So I decided to go along with that flavor and I remembered Black Pearl Chiffon was popular sometime back. Thus I decided to try this one as I had never baked one before and I am not sure whether it was close to that yummy chocolate chiffon I baked.

Verdict: This cake is light, airy and it is chocolatey! I shall now have a base to tweak.
Next round, I need to make those bubble smaller as I was told that a good chiffon must have fine bubble.Source: I can't recall where I take this from, once I remember I will credit back.What you need:
5 Egg Yolks130g 70% Dark Cooking Chocolate60ml Corn Oil100ml Milk (I used chocolate milk)55g Cake Flour25g Valrhona Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder½ tsp Baking Powder½ tsp Baking Soda¼ tsp Salt5 Egg Whites70g Caster Sugar½ tsp Lemon JuiceMethod:
Melt chocolate (break into small pieces) over a pot of simmering water. Set aside to cook.
Beat egg yolks till creamy, stir oil, milk and melt chocolate in order.
Next add in sieved flour mixtures (cake flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, soda & salt) and whisk till no trace of flour found. Beat egg whites with lemon juice till frosty then slowly add in sugar and beat till stiff peaks.
Using a balloon whisk gently fold in egg whites into the prepared yolks batter in 3 batches till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.
Lastly lift up the bowl to height, pour batter into the tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.
Bake cake in preheated 160°C degree oven (2nd lower rack) for about 43 - 45 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown (you can insert a skewer into the center and test if it comes out clean).
To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife around the inside of the pan and the center core.
Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake completely.
Have a good week ahead!