Get started on the way to your writing dream THIS Thanksgiving weekend! Ridiculously low BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS on my go-at-your-own-pace online classes!

What you get is original, proven curriculum to move you one step closer to finishing that novel or memoir, AND mentoring by someone passionate about seeing your story come to life.
Release the Novel in You! For teens and adults $50
Writing Your Memoir $75

Gift certificates available, but hurry, only a limited amount will be sold at this price.
More about me and what I do:
You have a dream to tell your story! So what’s stopping you?
My passion is to inspire that dream within so it can no longer be contained. I commit to creating an environment where your voice can be released to tell the story only you can, and I provide the tools and motivation for you to make that dream come true.
Through my classes your dream will take shape and manifest through brainstorming, plotting, and writing. My guidance will inspire your voice to be released and the ideas will take shape into a cohesive and impactful message. When you commit and do the work, you will release your story within and your dream will become reality.
Ask about online and in person classes to get you started. Group rates and gift certificates available. Christmas break classes forming.
Other available classes: NonFiction: From Idea to Outline