Food & Drink Magazine

Bizkaya Bridge

By Burutapen



Bilbao and the area called Gran Bilbao (the Greater Bilbao) are well known world wide as a result of the architectural contribution that Frank Gehry did to the Ria 2000 Master Plan. (Please refer to Cristina’s review of “Epiphanies from Frank Ghery” for more )  

However, what many easily forget is that the history and heritage of the city and its people predates both Gehry and the Master Plan.

The Puente Bizkaya, or as the song goes Puente Colgante (hanging bridge) was built in 1893 as an exemplar collaboration between architect Alberto Palacio Elissague, engineer Ferdinand Joseph Arnodin and Quantity Surveyor Santos Lopez de Letona. 

Its function was to improve the connectivity above the Ibaizabal (wide river) river, which connected the city and it boat building facilities with the sea, whilst allowing the passage of large scale ships. Many solutions were considered but the final one, the Palacio Shuttle Bridge, can still be enjoyed daily.

It became a symbol of the industrial revolution from birth with its ground breaking design and choice of materials. (More on its history link here) and Atelier Eura did not want to miss its 120th anniversary .

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