Food & Drink Magazine

Bitty Blueberry Fudge Bettys

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
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Can you take yet another delicious blueberry recipe from me???  Oh, I am sure you can!  As you know I love blueberries and I am betting that there is a fair number of you who feel the same.  Can you ever have too many blueberry recipes???  I think not!
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The other day I picked up what was called "Danish" bread at the shops.  It was half the price of the other breads and although the loaves were a bit smaller, I thought they would be perfect for making sandwiches.  We were having company over for a "Movie" night, and I was going to be making a lot of sandwiches for refreshments.
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The bread was okay in a pinch, but it wasn't really bread to my way of thinking.  It was far too light and not substantial enough and so I ended up picking up another loaf to use and then blitzing these two loaves into bread crumbs.  A mighty BIG bag of bread crumbs and whilst they can be frozen, I am looking for ways to use them up.  I used some in a lemon and herb stuffing for a roast chicken I did the other day, and today I used some for these delicious little desserts.
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On their own, they don't look like a heck of a lot really . . .  pretty blah . . .  but don't let that fool you.  These Bitty Blueberry Fudge Bettys pack a lot of flavor into their petiteness!
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Served warm and drizzled with cream, they are quite simply fabulous.  And I do admit the cream does dress them up a little bit don't you think?
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Almost like Cinderella getting ready for the ball . . .  except this isn't going to disappear when the clock strikes twelve . . .
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Mind you, they will most likely disappear once the spoon hits them . . .  but  . . . c'est la vie!  Life is for living!
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*Bitty Blueberry Fudge Bettys*Serves 4Printable Recipe 
A simple and delicious dessert that goes down well when the blueberries are in season!  Serve warm with some cream or creme fraiche for spooning. 
50g of unsalted butter (3 1/2 TBS)50g of runny honey (2 1//3 TBS)2 TBS double cream (thick or whipping cream)2 TBS soft light brown sugar, packed1 tsp ground mixed spice (to make your own see right hand column)75g of soft fresh white bread crumbs (1 1/4 cup)300g of fresh blueberries (a generous cup)cream or creme fraiche to serve  photo DSCN1937_zpsqsg2zbpx.jpg
Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Butter 4 (1/2 cup size) glass ramekins.  Place them on a baking tray.
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Put the butter, honey and cream in a small saucepan and heat, whisking constantly, until melted and amalgamated.   Put the breadcrumbs into a bowl and mix with the sugar and spice.
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Divide half of the butter honey and cream mixture between the ramekins.   Top with 1/2 of the berries.  Top with half of the bread crumb mixture.   Sprinkle the remaining berries over top, and then the remainder of the bread crumb mixture.  Drizzle with the remaining cream mixture.  Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown and bubbling.   Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes before carefully turning out onto dessert plates.   Serve warm with either cream or creme fraiche.

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