Bishop T.D. Jakes is a fan of Anita Baker and Luther Vandross music.
Bishop Jakes shared his favorite non gospel music with Pastor Steven Furtick when the Bishop visited his Elevation Church to discuss his new book ‘Soar!’
“What are some songs that you like to listen to Bishop Jakes that don’t get played in church?”
“I like Luther Vandross, I like Anita Baker, I like lesser known but extremely talented is Keiko Matsui,” he said. “Keiko Matsui is a Japanese jazz pianist that is absolutely out of this world. I listened to her this evening before I came out here so I’d have my international flavor.
“I like all kinds of music. I like classical music, I like gospel music of course,” he said. “I like just about every genre. Even some country, I’ll go country on you every now and then.”