Food & Drink Magazine

Biscuits And Soup

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

Biscuits And SoupI love biscuits. I love them plain, I love them buttered, and I love them stuffed with any hot or melted delicious preference of choice.

Biscuits make great appetizers to the experimentive and creative mind.

Soup is another versatile meal. We can have soup with biscuits as well as with crackers.

Soup is a wonderful flavoring to dress over foods as a gravy, and it is a delectable adornment, giving certain dishes a pretty appearance.

I would frequently pour my garden vegetable or minestrone soup over white rice, or mix the rice into a hot pot of soup once both foods were done. It turns out to be such a good meal that I’ve enjoyed for years.

Biscuits And Soup

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