Fashion Magazine

Birthday Girl

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
birthday girl
Today I turn the grand old age of 25. Dear lord!I must admit, this year has been the first where I've not been massively fussed about celebrating. Yes, I want to mark the occasion, but to be honest I just haven't fancied a big do. In light of this, tomorrow a few of my friends and I are going out for tea and cake in my local 'vintage tea rooms', followed by chilling out in the sunshine I expect, and eating lots of yummy food. To me, this is a perfect birthday - chilled, good company and good food. Tonight, Rich and I will have a glass (or three) of bubbly in the flat and then go out for dinner somewhere nice. This is my first birthday away from 'home' - my birthday tends to fall right at the end of the summer break from University, so even when I lived away from home I would still spend my birthday at my parents' house. It will be so lovely to actually spend my birthday with Rich in our new(ish) flat!Turning 25 has made me a little reflective; about what I have, and have not achieved. I like to think I've succeeded academically, got myself a decent job/career, and am in a pretty good place. But more importantly I would say I'm happy - I've been able to travel a fair amount of the globe (thus far, more to come!), I've been with a great fella for coming up to six years, and have fab friends and family (missing one great person this year, my Nan, miss you). Room for improvement? Always. There is that constant pressure to be a better person, a better teacher and so on. I want to travel more, enjoy life and make the most of the next 25 years. With my job there is the tendency to take work home with you and continue working hours into your 'free time'; this year I am also increasing to full-time hours, making this pressure even more intense. As someone fairly new to teaching I am still trying to strike that balance and not let it take over. So my resolution for the next year? Make sure I take time for myself, and have a happy, fulfilling life outside of work. Travel, enjoy living with Rich, and see more of my family - especially my lovely little nephew. Hopefully in a years time I can look back at this and be content that I've ticked all those boxes. 

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