மழையில் கிளிகள் நனைந்தாலும், சாயம் போவதில்லை
அன்பே நம் காதல் அது போன்றது .. பெண்ணுக்கு பேராசை வேறொன்றும் இல்லை

எங்கோ கேட்ட பாடல். இது சாருகேசி ராகத்தில் இசையமைப்பாளர் பரத்வாஜ் ரசிக்கும்படி அமைத்து இருந்தார். காட்சி அமைப்பு சுமாருக்கு கீழாக இருக்கும். கிளிகள் நனைந்தாலும் சாயம் போகாதாம் ! - பச்சை நிறம் மாறாதாம் !! ஆனால் மழை நீரில் நனைவது கிளிகளுக்கு சுகமானது அல்ல ! இன்று எடுத்த புகைப்படங்களில், ஒரு கிளி மழையில் நனைந்து, உருமாறி, நடுங்குவதை காணலாம்.
When it rains, whether it’s a heavy downpour or even a light shower, you may notice that there are fewer birds about.
Some birds will shelter under shrubs and in tree branches for a short while but that doesn’t last long as the hunt for food is continuous. While others seem to stand up tall with their wings spread out, almost as if they are enjoying getting soaked, which is not good nor can they continue to do in long time. Birds feathers are coated in the oil they use to preen themselves which makes them fairly waterproof so as long as they are fairly healthy, they will continue searching for food even if it’s raining.

In really heavy rain showers, birds will stand with their bodies upright, their heads tucked in with their beaks pointing towards the sky. This allows them to conserve energy, save on heat loss and allow water to run straight off those oiled up feathers. Sometimes you might see groups of birds all huddled together to keep warm and minimise the amount of water hitting each bird.
Yet, the birds that do remain out in the open will look very soggy, but they have evolved remarkably well to weather storms. To keep warm, birds trap tiny pockets of air under their feathers! However, when their feathers get wet, the pockets of air can fill up with water, and a bird’s temperature can drop rapidly, putting it at risk of hypothermia. By nature, birds are not waterproof and will still soak with prolonged exposure, so if they fly in the rain, they typically do not keep it up for long. Getting soaked will rob the bird of body heat and require more effort to fly, which is a death sentence if the bird is unable to find shelter and get dry fast enough.

With regards – S Sampathkumar