
Bipolar Ionizer (Sterionizer) for Ontario Public Schools

Posted on the 26 March 2021 by Ebaircontrol @ebaircontrol

Schools have been most affected by COVID-19 lockdowns as well education and learning have taken a hit. Although some students have returned to schools under Province mandated protocols, yet most schools do not have a risk mitigation plan that can prevent transmission of this deadly disease indoors.

Over the years public school facilities in Ontario have been most neglected without adequate funding spent on development or activation with the HVAC system being the most outdated of the lot. As overnight fix is not possible for public schools and educational institutions in Ontario to fighting the pandemic as well keep the environment safe.

A quick way is to install EB Air Bipolar Ionizer (Sterionizer) in school facilities which will deactivate the SAR-Cov2 virus (lab has proven) to prevent transmission of diseases as well sterilize indoor air of contaminants.

Many schools have been using Sterionizer in North America hence it is high time that public schools in Ontario should start taking measures towards improved Indoor air quality.

Also read:

Classroom Under Window Reheat Unit with Bipolar Ionizer

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