Current Magazine

Billion Dollar Companies That Started in Garage

Posted on the 16 June 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

They say that we should begin with something – at least some place to live, some cash to contribute, some encouragement from our relatives, friends. However, have you ever thought to launch your business having zero, having nothing to start with and to think about? Just have a look at the gigantesque companies that started in garages! They had obviously nothing, except for motivation, dedication, and enthusiasm of youngsters and they got what they wanted. Did they have a magical wand of Harry Potter that helped them? Yeah, for sure.

Such companies as Apple, Google, Amazon, Disney, and 1 more company started from the idea that developed in a garage! Did they expect such a huge income now? Well, doubtfully. They were certainly dreaming about it, but they could not predict that the idea would be so popular and famous. Hard work, persistence, faith, and activeness, helped them implement the dream into action.
Nowadays, we know them as billion and million dollar giants that almost rule the world.

Take the chance and don’t give up! Imagine that your dream comes true just so easily!



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