I've had a two decade-long hate-hate relationship with my belly.
And at age 44, I'm calling "last orders please" on this body-part hatred.
Time for a bikini shoot.

Number 3 Son was a bouncing nine-month-old scallywag and The Stylist was several weeks off becoming a human bean.
It's been more than 20 years since my tum's seen the light of day.
Four HUGE babies resulted in weird stretched-out tummy skin, a distorted belly button and a phobia about showing off my torso.
I show my belly off to the kids who, like most children, have always been fascinated by any kind of body "weirdness", before they recoil in horror.

I'm actually showing you the part of my body I fear the most.
I know I'm not the only one to "fear" their body parts.
It's familiar terrain; the earliest I can remember the feeling was at age 13.

But there is an opposing point of view.
I also have beautiful, funny, joyful, healthy children who are encouraged to explore their talents and be fearless yet cautious.
I will always have someone to cuddle until the day I die.
They will always have a mama who loves them despite their flaws.
No BODY is perfect.

But concerns about our body are fueled by edited images, before-and-after celebrity and diet pics.
They creep in and viciously chip away at our self-confidence.
Today's revelation is hopefully one small step for womankind:).