It’s official it’s rainy season already here in the Philippines and in times like this cyclists and bikers like me can’t stop what we love to do, putting fun between the legs and so I thought how would I ride my bike even if it is raining outside because to be honest I like riding my bike much more better when it is raining so I’ve been thinking what should I do to continue what I love to do so I am reading and researching Biking forums on Google and I come up with this Do-It-Yourself Mud Guard thing and I wanted to share it with your too. I am pretty much sure you will thanked me on this too. This is one hundred percent economical and practical. :-D
All you need is a thick plastic that you can cut, a scissor, a tracing pen, a zip tie and then download the Rear and Front Mud Guard pattern down below, then cut it out. Using the zip tie or cable tie whatever you call it, attach it using the holes on your fork and on your frame.

As simple as that you can now protect your self from the rain or water splashes on the road and floods and at the same time enjoy what we love to do and that is to go around places or from point A to point B.
Please don’t forget to like and share this to our dear fellow cyclists/bikers out there.