Politics Magazine

Big Fat (stratford) Government

Posted on the 13 May 2016 by Jezebel282


In the Connecticut Post article today, Council Chair, Beth Daponte, stated: “I realize that a lot of people are unhappy about a tax increase, but their anger is quite misplaced,” … “The mill rate for the 2015-16 fiscal year was set based on income from the sewer system sale that never materialized.”  Ms. Daponte, OF COURSE, the mill rate was based on income put in the budget THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!  We were under the impression, in that budget season, that what was added (you know, that $4.5 million that didn’t exist) was going to be realized by the sale of ‘Town-owned” properties.  That is what “KK” (you know, Karen Kaiser) said in a June 14, 2014 article in the Stratford Star (http://www.stratfordstar.com/23252/town-pushes-to-clean-up-and-sell-brownfields/).

Since being elected as District 1 Councilwoman, and since becoming Chair (which, we might add, happened through more backroom dealings), she has done nothing for her District 1 constituents and nothing whatsoever for Stratford, in its entirety. Mark Dumas AND Stephanie Philips both put out ideas to the Council, Ms. Dapote completely disregarded them.  As a matter of fact, she fights Mark Dumas on pretty much EVERYTHING he says or puts forth.  Has there been anything in the last 6 months she’s agreed on with him?  Many have tried to give her a chance, but honestly, she is a train wreck on the Town Council!

Let us not forget the October 9, 2015 Stratford Start letter where Ms. Daponte stated:  “I outlined the top five town issues that District 1 residents have identified of concern — 1) high property taxes, 2) WPCA, 3) Mismanagement and corruption; 4) Lack of leisure activities;  and 5) Environment.  This week, I  provide the approach I would take to address the first issue.”  Her idea was a “results-based budget approach.”  Well, the results-based budget approach she has taken just might get her recalled (yes, it could happen).  She participated in inflating Stratford’s government even further AND taking part in continued corruption with that over-inflation!

Not EVERYTHING in their proposals had to happen, that’s what negotiation is all about.  John Harkins, didn’t like some of the cuts, but only mentioned the ones that probably wouldn’t have been approved ($53,000 cut to the VNA or Sterling House Food Bank).  But what the Mayor really hated was the thought of cutting his “fat staff,” you know people like the CAO, positions in Economic Development and Human Resources, and others.  What about a roll-back on raises?

Stratford Town Hall is beyond top-heavy. The Mayor has an entourage and his entourage has an entourage.  Where does it end?  Cuts should have and could have been made to his top heavy administration, some serious shredding needs to be done to the amount Stratford spends on lawyers, etc.  What else did we pay for?  Of course we paid for the Mayor defending his sale of the WPCA in court, we paid

We thank Mitzi Antezzo for her honest statement in the Connecticut Post article where she said the budget workshops had little value added to the budget process and quoting from that article: “All we did was to meet with department heads,” she said. “Are they going to tell you where to make cuts to their departments?”

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