Business Magazine

Big Changes To TRAFFIC & Awards: To Count Votes & Rick Schwartz Last Show Produced?

Posted on the 15 August 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

Some big changes are coming to the TRAFFIC domain name conference and the TRAFFIC awards.

The TRAFFIC awards for 2014 will be handed out during TRAFFIC’s 10th anniversary conference that will be held October 30th- November 2nd in Miami Beach.

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to win 4 TRAFFIC awards and have to tell you I proudly display all of them in my office.

I had a chance to get the low down from Mr. Rick Schwartz, one of the organizers of the conference to chat about the 2014 TRAFFIC conference and the TRAFFIC  Awards.

One of the biggest changes to the TRAFFIC awards is  that TRAFFIC has retained to count the vote for the nominations and to determine the award winners.

“All nominations and votes will be handled by which is a company that has very high trust factor throughout the industry.

“ will keep track of all nominations and keep track of each and every vote. ”

“Howard and I won’t know anything until we get the list for the actual awards.”

For the previous 9 years you guys counted the votes for nominations and the awards, what made you decide to change now?

“We put up with a lot of unfounded accusations over the years. Wish we thought of years ago. I think it might have been your suggestion.”

Yes I think it was my suggestion.  Personally I never doubted that You and Howard correctly and accurately counted the votes and announced the results, but there is no good reason not to use a well-respected independent company like to count the votes.

When will the nomination for the TRAFFIC Awards be Open?

“The Nominations for the 2014 TRAFFIC awards will open up Tuesday August 19th and will run thru Friday the 22nd.”

In the past its only taken 1 person to nominate someone for an award, is there any change coming for 2014?

“Each nominee will need 3 votes to qualify for the ballot, in the past a person or company only needed 1 person to nominate them for them to make the ballot”

“However as in the past there will Not be a limit on the number of nominees per category, all those who get three nominations for an award will make the ballot.”

When will voting for the awards be open?

“The actual voting will take place in mid September.”

I understand that there may be some new awards for 2014 what can you tell me?

“We are adding Several new award categories to keep up with the changing domain industry.”

Two of the new award categories will be:

Most Promising new gTLD

Best Marketing by a new gTLD

There maybe more new categories added and at least one category will be deleted.”

I know for the last many years you have been nominated for domainer of the year and best domain blog and you have declined the nomination, now that the votes are going to be tallied by an independent company will you now accept the nomination if you’re nominated?

“No, Vote counting was never the reason for declining.

I just think it is better to sit it out. Plus I am really no longer blogging.”

In some categories some people have dominated the category winning many years in a row any thoughts to limiting the number of times any one person or company can win award in one particular category?

“We have discussed this, but let the audience speak. Hopefully domainers will want to spread the love.”

The award for a company that “gets” domain names I think has gone almost every year to a very large non-domainer company that is not in attendance, have those awards actually been acknowledged by the winners?

We have sent most of the awards out to the winners. Not always easy to find out who to send it to. But we do our best.

Any hints as to what you have planned special for your 10th anniversary show?

“I usually don’t start working on the agenda before labor day and usually about 30 days before the show.

Probably not the smartest thing to do to sell tickets, but this insures topics are timely and that is always our focus.

We give everyone stage time that wants it and our job is to help facilitate business among those in attendance. Besides that, we try to present both sides and let each attendee determine what works best for them.”

I know some people are concerned about the show being held over Halloween, you have anything planned for attendees with children?

“We have been working closely with the hotel to make sure we have a memorable Halloween party for both the adults and kids. I think it will be pretty cool.”

What is pricing for the show right now and what are the time-frames when the ticket prices increase?

Right now tickets are priced at  $1,295

Prices are scheduled to go up to $1,495 right after Labor Day.

Is there anything else you would like to announced about TRAFFIC’s 10th anniversary conference ?

“If all works out, this will be the last TRAFFIC show I will personally produce. ”

“10 years is long enough and I will release more info about that as we get closer to the show.”


Thanks Rick.

Judi and I along with Romeo and Juliet will be attending the conference so we hope to see everyone there.

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