When I saw Joe Biden’s 3-1/2 minute announcement video Thursday morning, as a longtime observer of American politics I was frankly shocked. It was not what I expected; unlike anything seen before.
Please view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbOU2fTg6cI&feature=youtu.be
It is all very well to talk about health care, tax policy, jobs, and other issues. No doubt Biden will in due course. But those kinds of concerns pale in significance when America’s very soul is on the line. Biden’s powerful statement strikes to the heart of what’s at stake in 2020. What I’ve been saying for three years. No other candidate shows such incisive mettle.It’s customary to call every election “the most important in years.” But this one truly is the most consequential, at least since 1860. I always used to know that whoever won an election, America would be all right. Not so for 2020. We stand at the hinge of history. Biden shows why.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat;
Oh, be swift my soul to answer him,
Be jubilant my feet!