Society Magazine

Biblical Theology: Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
What is Biblical theology?
Biblical Theology
‎Biblical theology is theology drawn from the Bible rather than theology imposed onto the Bible. Biblical theology helps Christians understand the broad biblical message, discern developments in the canon, and see how each particular text fits in with the larger story of Scripture. In studying biblical theology, interpreters try to determine what the authors of the Bible thought or believed in their own historical contexts and on their own distinctive terms. 
Köstenberger, A. J. (2012, 2016). Biblical Theology. In Faithlife Study Bible. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
Having a biblical opinion about Jesus means you have a theology. Everyone has a theology, it just depends on how informed or uninformed it is, or how shallow or deep it is.
Pastor Nate Pickowicz's wife Jessica Pickowicz wrote a wonderful study guide to go along with the recently published Biblical Theology: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue. She also set up a Facebook group of women last year who are interested in going through the study together. Her lessons have been just right: biblical, thought provoking, studious, and readable & doable.
This past June, Jess paused the weekly study for the summer so she could attend to Bible studies in her home church. She promised to resume in September. That time is here. Normally the next study guide lesson begins on Thursdays so the time for the next chapter of Biblical Doctrine is tomorrow. We resume with the chapter on Pneumatology, or study of the Holy Spirit.
Biblical theology: Eating the elephant one bite at a time
Please feel free to join us ladies studying through this wonderful book Biblical Doctrine. I agree with this opinion from Mr Forbis. I've been through several systematic theology books or programs and this book is the best.
Biblical theology: Eating the elephant one bite at a timeBiblical Doctrine is a hefty tome, but through Jess's guided study, we do ten pages at a time. Taking one bite of the elephant per week, with other like-minded ladies, is a great way to study through the doctrines of God, be edified, and learn more about our wonderful savior. Please join us!

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