I have a dear friend who is attending The Master's University. He returned home for summer break and arrived at my door in July with a surprise gift of this wonderful book. Even more wonderful, it is signed by John MacArthur and a verse was selected to include with the signature!

I can't figure out if the verse is an encouragement or a warning to me. Hmmm. Likely both, since I need both!
I love that he did this and I put it proudly on my theological bookshelves. And there is sat, all 1000 plus pages of it. Once in a while I'd look at it as I passed my shelf, and mourned its size and how I was going to approach this study.
Providentially, Jess had been writing a study guide and lessons to go along with the book, and announced it about a month after I'd received the book! The study began this week.
Concurrently, an internet annual organization plan for writers is going on. It's by Alexandra Haughton and it's called #ReadWritePlan. What you do it post one photo a day according to their schedule, showing your favorite pens, planners, papers, highlighters, bulletin boards, desk area, etc. In other words, what does it look like where you write and study?
I love this stuff! But I missed the first week of ReadWritePlan2017 and decided to forgo it until next year. Then the Biblical Doctrine study came up, complete with its choice of binder covers (color, or B&W), papers to be printed, and pads and pens and highlighters suggested. So now I'm back in on ReadWritePlan.
Here is my first post, the preface to ongoing thoughts about the Biblical Doctrine Study I plan to post, combined with a ReadWritePlan once for all post. This is my place, the spot where I study the Bible, read the Bible, listen to sermons, and write my blog essays.
I live in a 425 sf apartment, mainly it's two rooms with a small kitchen and a tiny bathroom. I love it. My dining table was a garage sale find of one of those 1950s with formica top and metal legs. Since everything HAS to be both organized and available, yet fit into the tiny space, here is what I did. The dining table has become my office with the laptop prominently located. Next to the table is a bookcase containing a good light, speakers, and office supplies as normal. It is all within reach without me having to get up out of my office chair.

Coffee, tea, or water is always on the coaster, out of the way of the cat who likes to jump on the table and curl up on his bed. Below, take a tour of my bookcase with me. Top shelf, printer, pencil and pen cup, brown leather notebook I take to church. Second shelf, MacArthur Study Bible and smaller Bible with Grant Horner bookmarks for my ongoing Reading Plan.
Next to that is the laminator and the scanner. Bottom shelf, notebooks, legal pads, printer paper, binders of ongoing studies, like the Biblical Doctrine textbook, and books I'm currently reading.

The weekly Biblical Doctrine Pickowicz Study is issued on Thursdays but my Thursdays are straight out 14 hours, and I don't arrive home until about 9:30pm. So I dedicate Friday evenings for delving into the week's study. It's perfect. I come home, take a nap, awake refreshed and settle in to the quietude with a cuppa and all the time in the world.
Below, doing the first week's lesson, yay!

Jessica offers tips on highlighting for various study-reasons. However, I never, ever, ever, ever write or highlight in any of my books. Ever. Instead, I buy thousands of transparent Post-It arrows in neon colors and put them happily all around. I love my Post-It arrows.

I encourage you to look into the Biblical Doctrine Bible Study. Jess has not only created a Study Guide but also a Facebook Group of like-minded women who are participating in the study, which is expected to last two years. Women from their 20s to their 70s have been added, women who are homeschooling or not, married and not, disabled and healthy, living rural or citified. We are all different but have Christ in common.
Here are the pertinent links for you.
Jess Pickowicz at Beautiful Thing: Biblical Doctrine study, articles
Beautiful Thing's Biblical Doctrine Facebook Study Group
Biblical Doctrine the book for purchase at Grace To You
For purchase at Amazon, it's $20 off right now.