Last week the word was Transcendence. God is apart from His creation, different from it. This week the word is Immanent or Immanence,
God’s immanence refers to His presence within His creation. (It is not to be confused with imminence, which refers to the timing of Jesus’ return to earth.) A belief in God’s immanence holds that God is present in all of creation, while remaining distinct from it. In other words, there is no place where God is not. His sovereign control extends everywhere simultaneously. Source GotQuestions
Immanence: God's presence and activity within the creation and human history. Source: Biblical Doctrine, MacArthur/Mayhue, p 931God is so majestic! Mysterious! How can He be both apart from His creation, and present within it?! At the same time? It shows who our God is. It's why I chose these two words one after the other to demonstrate His essential otherness.
One other notion that is important to emphasize.
Pantheism and deism twist many people’s view of how God relates to His creation. Pantheists believe that everything is God or is a part of God, making Him equal with His creation and unable to act upon it. Deists hold that God is distinct from His creation but deny that He plays an active role in it. Contrary to these and other false views of God, the Bible says that God is both different from His creation and actively upholding it.We must stress His immanence not at the expense of His transcendence, and vice versa.
That they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, (Acts 17:27).
Note: Modern pantheism is seen in William P. Young's The Shack, Oprah Winfrey's promotion of Eckart Tolle, and in Ann Voskamps's book One Thousand Gifts as an offshoot of pantheism, panentheism. It is easy to twist both immanence and transcendence, either by direct twisting or omitting one in favor of the other. It is why it is important to learn these terms so we retain a balanced view of God.
Word of the Week 1: Justification
Word of the Week 2: Transcendence