
Bhumi Amla

Posted on the 19 October 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Bhumi Amla is an Ayurvedic medicine. Its fruits look exactly like amla and it is a very small plant, so it is called Bhui Amla or Bhumi Amla. It grows on its own in the rainy season and is found throughout the year in shady humid places. It is uprooted and used to dry in the shade. It is also easily found at the herb shop.Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is also known as 'Dukong anak' and as 'Bhumi Amalaki' in sanskrit. The whole plant possesses various medicinal properties.

Bhui Amla names in different languages:

Hindi: Bhuani Amla, Bhumalki, Hazardana, Jarmala, Jungle Amla

Sanskrit: Bhumyamalki, Bhudhatri, Tamlaki, Bahuphala

Bengali: Bhui Amla

Gujarati: Aonli

Marathi: Bhui Amli

Kannada: Kirneliginda, Kirunelli, Nilanelli

Bhumi Amla helps in managing liver disorders and reverses any damage caused to the liver due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antiviral activities. It also helps to prevent ulcers by reducing gastric acid production as well as protecting the stomach lining against damage caused by excessive gastric acid. Bhumi Amla might also reduce the risk of kidney stone formation due to its diuretic property. It does so by promoting the removal of salts (mainly oxalate crystals) that are responsible for the formation of kidney stones. According to Ayurveda, Bhumi Amla is considered good for indigestion and acidity due to its pitta balancing property. It might also be beneficial for diabetics as it helps manage blood sugar levels due to its tikta (bitter) property. Taking 1-2 tablets or capsules of Bhumi Amla twice a day helps to get rid of skin disorders due to its blood purifying property. Taking Bhumi Amla powder along with water might also help prevent hair fall as well as promote hair regrowth.


  • Benefits of Bhumi-Amla in respiratory disease (Bhumi Amla Plant Benefits to Treats Respiratory Disease.
  • Bhumi Amla is very beneficial in respiratory diseases. Grind 10 grams root of ground nut in water. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey to it. Drinking this and giving it to the nose is beneficial in respiratory diseases.
  • Heat 50 grams almanac of Bhumi Amla in half a liter of water. When one quarter is left, giving one spoon of this decoction twice a day provides relief in respiratory diseases.
  • Grind the leaves of Bhumi Amla. Add salt to it and apply itching. Itching is cured. It can also be applied to the itching of the thighs.
  • Grind soft leaves of bhuai-gooseberry on the part where there is injury. This reduces the pain of injury.
  • Benefits of Bhumi-Amla in eye disease (Bhumi Amla Tree Benefits for Eye Disease)
  • Grind the Bhumi Amla Patanjali in a copper vessel with rock salt in water. Applying it outside the eyes provides relief in eye diseases.


    Fever -Bhumi Amla also reduces fever (associated with typhoid infection) due to its Tikta (bitter) and Pitta balancing properties which help to metabolism and remove the toxin from the body.

- If the liver is enlarged or it has swelling, then it is very effective medicine for it.

- In jaundice, the paste of its leaves is mixed with buttermilk and it cures jaundice very quickly.

- It is very beneficial in kidney infection and kidney failure. It corrects the kidney system. It is diuretic due to which excess of urine is formed which cleanses the body.

Due to its antiviral properties, it is used for for Hepatitis B and C.

- If there is a blister in the mouth, chew the juice of its leaves or swallow it. Mouth blisters will be cured.

- If there is swelling or lump in the breast, applying paste of its leaves will help.

- In the cough, making a decoction by mixing basil leaves with it and drinking it provides relief.

If you do not heal wounds in diabetes, then grind its paste and apply it with black pepper, then sugar becomes control.

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