

Posted on the 16 October 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Semecarpus anacardium was called the "marking nut" by Europeans because it was used by washermen to mark cloth and clothing before washing, as it imparted a water insoluble mark to the cloth. [ citation needed ]

It is a deciduous tree. Like the closely related cashew, the fruit is composed of two parts, a reddish-orange acessorsory fruit and a black drupe that grows at the end. The nut is about 25 millimetres long, ovoid and smooth lustrous black. The accessory fruit is edible and sweet when ripe, but the black fruit is toxic and produces a severe allergic reaction if it is consumed or its resin comes in contact with the skin. The seed inside the black fruit, known as godambi ( गोडंबी ), is edible when properly prepared.

Ayurvedic properties

Guna - Snigdh, laghu, tikshna

Rasa - Katu, tikt , kashay

Vipak - Madhur , katu

Virya - Ushna.

Doshkarma -Due to ushna virya and tikshna guna it is kaphavatshamak and pittvardhak

Local action - Sphotjanana,shitprashaman,vishagnha.


Anacardic acid, cardol, catechol, anacardol and fixed oit, sernicarpoi, bhilawanol

General Information

  • LATIN NAME: Semecarpus anacardium SYNONYMS: Anacardium orientale
  • FAMILY: Anacardiaceae
  • Vernacular names
  • ENGLISH: Marking nut, Oriental cashee
  • COMMON INDIAN NAMES: Bibbaa, Bhallaataka, Bhela, Bhilawa
  • ANDHRA PRADESH: Nalla jeedi
  • SANSKRIT: Bhallataka, Aruskara, Agnika, Agnimukha, Anala, Vatari, Mahatiksna, Sphotabijaka,
  • UNANI: Baladur, Bhilayan, Bhilaavan

Ayurvedic medicinal uses

  • Bhallataka is used in Ayurveda for centuries. It reduces vata/wind, kapha/mucous but increases pitta. Seeds oil is used externally on rheumatism.
  • Bhallataka seeds are toxic. So in Ayurveda, they are used only after proper detoxification. It is used for improving sexual power and increasing sperm count, curing diseases related to the digestive system and balancing phlegm (Sanskrit- कफ दोष ) in the body. It is said that, no phlegm remains after it is treated with this fruit. -

Health Indications and uses

By consuming this nectar Bhallatak Rasayan, the patient is destructive, strong like lions, strong senses and intelligent. By its use, the body becomes as bright as gold. The shaking teeth are strong. Ripe hair turns black again like mascara. When the skin is dead, it becomes strong. Old man also becomes Tarun Sadrash and lives for a hundred years.

Amrit Bhallatak Avaleh Vatarog (suffering from pain in any part of the body or pain in the whole body), breathing disease, skin diseases, suffering from diseases of leprosy, piles and diseases like phirang-pooameh and in phlegm and gout are given. If there is zero leprosy, pricking the needle or meditating with fire also does not affect grief. On the wrong leprosy, the mouth looks bizarre. The nose, ears, and throat worsen when someone gets sick and someone gets worms in the body. In all the stages of this disease, this nectar is given to prevent disease and increase strength. The disease is eradicated after taking 1-2 months of diet.

Benefits and intake method of Bhilava (Godumbi)

  • Bhilava is beneficial in Kapha and Vata diseases.
  • This worm is a destroyer.
  • Removes sexual debility.
  • It is useful in chemistry and marketization due to its chemical and chemical properties.
  • It is beneficial in breathing and breathing.
  • Its medicinal use increases the amount of sperm.
  • Eating in proper amounts also serves to light and digestion.
  • Its oil is also used in cancer etc. which is beneficial.
  • Bhilava is beneficial in faith and love.
  • Its use in aerosol gives benefits.
  • It is full of Taurus and Medieval qualities.

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