Food & Drink Magazine

Beyond the Blog: Winter

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

Beyond the Blog: Winter

It’s been awhile since my last Beyond the Blog post! November to be exact.

Winter hadn’t fully hit yet, Zeph was only a month old…boy how things change!

Winter hit…hard. It was a cold and brutal winter here. Tons and tons of snow, really cold temps (regularly -20°C). It’s hard to be cooped up inside with a baby in such cold temps, that’s for sure. I am so happy we’re officially into spring, and even if our weather isn’t quite there yet, it will be soon!

Beyond the Blog: Winter

Zephie is no longer a dainty newborn.

He’s…how shall we put this…a chubby chubster. He’s almost 20 pounds, is roly-poly, and just such a happy guy.

It’s so fun watching his personality come out. He’s a super laid back baby! After a not-so-laid-back first baby, I definitely appreciate his calm, patient personality. Of course he does have his moments, too.

He also loves having his diaper changed (weird, right? He actually giggles when we change his diaper!), tummy kisses, and talking. He’s a chatterbox!

We just started solids a few weeks ago. We started with some well mashed avocado. Zeph’s face says it all:

Beyond the Blog: Winter

“I dunno about this, Mom”.  He was much more receptive to sweet potato and applesauce…and this week we are trying some pear puree.

Zephie loves his big brother! He watches Kai’s every move! It’s so cute. Here’s a shot of them at Christmas, and then an outtake because it was too funny not to share.

Beyond the Blog: Winter

We have managed a few trips as a family of four: we went to Canmore for a few days before Christmas for some winter fun. We were really hoping to get Kai on some skis, but it was so brutally cold. Luckily our Air B&B had a pool.

We also made it out to Victoria a few weeks ago, where it was very clearly spring. I love Victoria so much and hope we can move there some day!

Beyond the Blog: Winter

Beyond the Blog: Winter

Let me tell you, mommas: second time around is so so so much easier. I had a hard time adjusting to being a mom the first time around.

Second time around? The mantra ‘this is just a phase’ has really helped me get through those sleepless nights. Of course I’m sure it helps that baby 2 was much calmer and doesn’t cry as much.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows (just to paint a realistic picture here, LOL!).

I have had a really hard time fitting in meal prep lately. I squeeze it in when I have 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there, but I miss having a solid prep session…in case you were wondering why I haven’t been posting them on Instagram lately.

I really miss having ‘me’ time. I know I will get that back eventually and that this is just a phase but I am definitely looking forward to a bit more of that. I’m not going to lie, some days I tell my family ‘Mommy needs a time out’ and go close the bedroom door for 10 minutes. Hoo. Sometimes I really need those ten minutes for my sanity.

I am back working on the blog, and have a part-time nanny come in and hang out with Z while I work, and of course I feel mom-guilt about that. But I am so lucky to get to do the job I love and stay home with my baby. I also tell myself it’s good for him to get used to a sitter in case Ben and I ever want to go out on a date.

Kai is at pre-school but we’ve started having Mommy Kai days again, which is great. Cherishing this last year before he is in kindergarten! How is it already time for that?!

Beyond the Blog: Winter

Things I’m loving lately:

I’m loving sharing bits and pieces of our life with you. Thanks for reading along!

Beyond the Blog: Winter

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