I am sure the world is getting a bit tired of the unending pursuit of knowing when a baby brother or sister will join little Blue Ivy. But is this a clue? Beyonce has been drinking champagne and wine a lot on her Instagram in order to quickly dispel rumors that she is pregnant. But the thing is, those are just photos. Anyone could put a glass of alcohol next to them and pretend they drank it by posting the photo on a social media site. Doesn’t mean she imbibed people. Also, apparently she has been wearing a certain set of costumes during her Mrs. Carter Tour, but recently changed them to include more baggier options such as the Pucci dress pictured above. What do you think? Bun in the oven? Or just random outfit change? Maybe she got baby fever from visiting little Nori West the other day. I refuse to acknowledge the legal name of that child. It’s just too much for words.