Sports Magazine

Best Workout Routines

By Mia_patterson

Best Workout Routines You Can Start Today To Get Thé Hourglass Figure You Have Always Wanted

Workout Routines
So you've been searching long and hard the for best workout routines to achieve that hourglass figure you've always wanted? This is going to be the last stop you will make in getting the information that is going to give you all the answers.
Whether you are trying to shape up for your wedding, prom, or just trying to look attractive for your significant other, this article will give you the keys to success.
Slim Waist Training
The first stop in attaining an hour glass figure is focus on slimming your waist, which involves getting rid of excess abdominal fat around the stomach and oblique areas (i.e. love handles). One of the best exercise routines to start out is walking, especially uphill.
Walking is actually a compound exercise that targets your legs, glutes, and core areas. Take the time to walk for at least 30 minutes around the neighborhood or at your local gym 3-5 times per week to begin the waist trimming process.
Add a Twist
The more you can work your core muscles when going after that perfect body, the better. Adding a little twist to your workouts will also help you trim off the unwanted fat around the belly area.
The best part about twisting is you don't have to leave home to perform these type of exercises. Performing routines like TaeBo or just using small weights to do cross body punches will help you tone up and look slim fast.
Lunges are another exercise you can perform at home that will help you to look more fuller in your lower body area. This is the second phase of hour glass body shaping.
Now that your upper body is getting a lot of action, it time to focus on toning and slimming your legs, hamstrings, and gluteus maximus. Lunges are great for this because you hit all points in one total movement while keeping your core muscles tight against gravity.
Kettle Bell
This particular workout is probably the best full body workout routine you can perform that will give you that hourglass figure you have always wanted.
With a kettle bell routine, you are constantly working against gravity to sculpt your entire upper body and core muscles at the same time. As you perform this exercise, it is important that you have the proper technique down for the best results. Then once you get into a routine, getting the results will be so much easier.

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