
Best WordPress Plugins for Your CRO Strategy

Posted on the 10 November 2020 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

With WordPress, you can create beautiful websites in a few steps. An added functionality is that you can add themes and plugins according to your requirements to improve the overall features of your website. An important aspect when it comes to maintaining a website is the number of conversions your website has. This is where a CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) strategy comes into the picture. While there are many ways in which you can improve your conversions, some WordPress plugins help you with the same. 

What is CRO?

In simple terms, CRO is the process of increasing the overall conversion percentage of visitors on your website. Conversion is a long process and includes steps such as identification of potential customers, surveying users, A/B testing, collection and analysis of data, focusing on the kind of content your website publishes, and so much more. 

Did you know that only 22% of businesses are happy with their conversion rates? This calls for action and that is why WordPress provides you with CRO strategy plugins that help you with the whole process. 

Keeping your needs in mind, in this article we will go through some great plugins to help you with your CRO strategy. Read on to know about the plugins in detail: 

1. Nelio A/B Testing:


Online marketing can get tricky and this plugin understands that. Developing content is also a cumbersome process that can take away most of your time. With the help of this plugin, you can cut the time it takes to develop landing pages and design your websites. To put it simply, A/B testing (also known as ‘split’ testing) is the usual practice where two or more versions of a single page are tested by you at the same time to understand which one performs better. This helps you in understanding which combinations are bound to work – thereby making the work easier for you. 

Check out this plugin – here

2. Yoast SEO:


Another important thing when it comes to conversions is SEO. If you figure out how to use optimize your search engines in a way that it benefits you the most, it will do wonders for your brand. Incorporate keywords can become difficult and with this plugin, you can use target keywords without any hassle. This is actually a pretty commonly used plugin for all its benefits. Now you can create SEO-friendly content by using the proper keywords! 

Know more – here

Learn about SEO – here

Also Read: Steps To Grow Your Email Marketing List

3. Email Subscribers & Newsletters – Simple and Effective Email Marketing WordPress Plugin:

Email subscriber

An amazing way to ensure conversions is through the use of email marketing. All you have to do is offer your visitors a newsletter subscription. With this, you can manage your mailing list and create custom templates for your audience. If you opt for the full version, you can use tons of more features. This plugin helps you generate leads and subsequently add them to your email marketing account with ease. We highly recommend that you use this plugin to improve conversions on your site! 

Know more about this plugin – here. 

Additionally, if you want to know some email marketing strategies you can use, check this out. 

4. WP Smush – Lazy Load Images, Optimize & Compress Images:

WordPress Plugins for your CRO

It is a fact that visual content attracts more audiences. Using infographics, images, and banners gain attention and it tends to impact how your website performs once it goes live. However, images should not take a significant time to load, otherwise, it may lead to higher bounce rates. This is where WP Smush comes to your aid. With it, you can automatically optimize your image assets. All you have to do is enable the ‘Automatic Smush’ feature and you are good to go! This plugin is used by brands across the globe and will work for you too!

Know more – here. 

WordPress Plugins for your CRO

Your website needs to make a good first impression in the minds of the visitor and this plugin does exactly that. You can put together a gallery that is responsive, aesthetically pleasing, and beautiful – and this helps in building a name for your brand and also makes a lasting impact! In short, it is the ultimate solution if you want to build an ideal layout on your WordPress site through the use of portfolio showcases, photo galleries, videos, catalogs, and so on. 

You can check it out – here. 

6. Strong Testimonials:

WordPress Plugins for your CRO

Any kind of business knows and understands that testimonials tend to go a long way. Visitors are interested in what people have to say about your website and your products and therefore it acts as a good way to foster trust among your audiences. Testimonials help in validation and through this plugin, you can display all your positive testimonials on your WordPress page for everyone to see. All you have to do is enter your testimonials, set the view, and paste the shortcode! We highly recommend this one as you cannot go wrong with testimonials! 

Know more about this plugin – here. 

Also Read: Keyword Research Tools : Free, Freemium and Paid Options

So, there you go! These were our picks. We hope you have understood the importance of an ideal CRO strategy and are taking steps to ensure that you get the best of it! We also hope this article has helped choose an ideal plugin for your website. Thank you for reading and all the best!

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