There is always a threat to our website from spammers and hackers. Spam comments, Spam logins, Bots, all these can pose a major threat to your site. One of the easiest and quickest ways to protect your website from spammers is to add Captcha to your website. You can add captcha to the login screen, comment section, registration section, etc. Captcha is a response test which verifies that you are a human and not a bot. In this article, we will tell you about 5 Best WordPress Captcha plugins to protect your WordPress website.
Best WordPress CAPTCHA Plugins.
Let us check these plugins one by one:
1. Google Captcha
Google Captcha is a fantastic free WordPress plugin that protects your Website from possible threats from spams. This plugin can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments and more.
This plugin displays a reCaptcha that a user is required to confirm before entering the website or any other place.
Key Features of this plugin includes adding ReCaptcha to various paged, Hiding reCaptcha, Two themes version 1 and Version 2, Compatible with Limit Attempts, Multilingual and RTL ready and a lot more.
Download2. Captcha Bank
This another free and powerful WordPress plugin. This plugin acts as a shield and protects your website from Spam.
This plugin includes a simple Maths question, different text captcha, lines, noises, distortion, adding signatures and more. You can use this plugin to Login Form, Registration Form, Comment Form, Admin Comment form. Captcha Bank plugin also supports WooCommerce, BuddyPress & Contact Form 7.
This plugin is full of features as it comes with multiple live demos to choose from. This plugin is multilingual, and multisite compatible as well. A great plugin with great features to help you control Spam from entering your website.
Download3. Custom Login and Access WordPress Plugin
This is a premium WordPress captcha plugin that restricts spams to login or registers to your website.various features of this plugin includes Restrict Front End Access, Restrict dashboard Access, Custom Sign Up Email, Page Login Form, Math Captcha, etc.
This plugin lets you Add Login, Register, Forgotten Forms To a Page, Set Match Captcha For Login, Register and Forgotten Forms, Restrict Front End Access For Non Logged In Users, Redirect User After Login And Logout and more.
4. Captcha Plus
Captcha Plus in one of the best security plugin that helps you save your site from possible attacks. This plugin can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments forms, etc.Captcha plus is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets you Add a captcha to various pages, Choose your captcha types, Hide Captcha for Registered users in comments form, Whitelisted IP addresses, Set captcha submission time limit, Add custom code via plugin settings page, etc.This plugin is compatible with Contact Form 7 compatible.
This plugin is a simple free plugin for protecting your website from spams and bots. You can add this plugin to WordPress login, registration and comment system as well as BuddyPress registration.
Significant features of this plugin are Options to activate the plugin at various pages, themes for CAPTCHA, Auto-detection of user’s language.
No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA is a free plugin and helps yo a long way in protecting your website from unwanted attacks.
6. HumanCaptcha
This captcha plugin uses a different approach to distinguish between a human and a robot. Instead of using images or math problems, this plugin asks questions which require human logic to answer. If the answer is right, they pass the captcha test. This plugin offers a few predefined questions to quickly start with adding captcha questions.
You can also add your own questions and answers if you wish to do so.
HumanCaptcha is a unique and free plugin and works easily on your website to keep away spams and bots.
Download7. Conditional CAPTCHA
Conditional Captcha is a conditional plugin that only shows the captcha if certain assigned conditions are met by the user. It works on two levels, basic and Akismet. On the basic level, this plugin is only displayed if the user has no approved comment or has not logged it previously.
On the Akismet level, the plugin will serve a Captcha only if Akismet identifies a comment as spam. You just need to install the plugin and activate Akismet to enable this mode.
In this article, we discussed the 5 Best WordPress Captcha plugins which can be very useful to prevent your sites from spam attacks. I would recommend using one Captcha plugin on your site. Hope this article was a helpful one and you could find the best plugin for your WordPress website. If you have any recommendation, let us know in the comment section below.