Sports Magazine

Best Upper Body Workout

By Mia_patterson

Best Upper Body Workouts and Exercises

Upper Body Workout
Upper body includes many muscle categories which need specific exercises and workouts. You need to work on each category of the muscles from 1-2 times per week, the best is if you work in GYM where you have all the equipment and weights to do all the exercises you are supposed to do, for better and faster results. You can also work at home if you have your own Fitness, or dumbbells and barbell.
The upper body muscles categories which you will need to work on are: chest, arms, shoulders. This are three different muscle categories which need you concentration and a lot of exercises if you want to improve them and gain muscles. Before you start following the workouts you need to know some basic things about nutrition which is more important in bodybuilding than workout.
To gain muscles you will first need to eat a lot, the mass time. The time when you eat 6 times per day, feed your muscles with a lot of calories and proteins. You will need to eat a lot of meat and carbo to get bigger muscles easier. After 3 months of mass are through you can start with DEFINITION, the time when you lose weight and burn fat, to shape your muscles, so they can look better. Lose your fast, eat less carbo and fat food and eat more proteins like meat.
Now that you know the basic things about nutrition you can start with working on the best upper body workout which are the follow:
  • Bench Press - If you are not doing that exercise do not expect to have bigger chest muscle. It is one of the most important exercises for chest! Do 3-4 routines per day with 12-8 lifts.
  • Decline or Incline Bench Press with Dumbbells or Barbell - Another must do exercise. You need to choose for your first day or decline or incline bench press. You can work with dumbbells to change it a bit or with barbell like the first bench press. Do 3 routines per day with 12-8 lifts.
  • Barbell Incline Shoulder Raise - Main and most important exercise for your shoulders muscle. Do 3-4 routines with 14-10 lifts.
  • Barbell Rear Delt Row - An exercise for your rear shoulders muscle. Works and does miracles! Do 3-4 routines per day with 12-8 lifts.
  • Barbell Bicep Curls - Main and most important exercise to start with biceps workout. Stay straight and do not move your body when doing the exercise. Concentrate on your muscle and do not help lifting with shoulders or body moving! Do 3-4 routines with 14-8 lifts.
  • Concentration Curls - Use dumbbells and your concentration to do this biceps exercise which helps you shape the ball out of your biceps! Do 3 routines with 15-10 lifts!
  • Triceps Cable Extension - Use the cable to extend your triceps. A great exercise to shape your muscle and do a lot of push downs.
  • Close Grip Bench Press - Build your triceps muscle with this hard exercise that does miracles. Do 3-4 routines with 12-8 lifts!

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