
Best Selling Author, Christine Reidhead, Does It Again

Posted on the 28 January 2021 by Shoumya Chowdhury

Have you finish reading a book and felt like you were completely satisfied even though you were hungry? Don't miss out on the world's celebrated book titled "How to Improve Study Habits" by Christine Reidhead.

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers" according to Charles W. Eliot. Of course, that narration is true and we can say the same about Christine Reidhead's books. One of Christine's latest book that has got everyone's attention is How to Improve Study Habits.

Background of "How to Improve Study Habits"

The book offers solutions to the failing grades of students, especially in a time when regular classrooms cannot fully function. Arguably, parents worldwide are worried as to what to do with their obligations in the face of the rising drop in children's grades. Yes, Grades and Why Grades? Grade to some extent is a measurement of intelligence.

It seems as though the focus of many students has been moved from their books to their laptops or computers with the introduction of social media and related platforms. In addition to social media, blame has also been imposed on a decrease in student participation in education in general. Students, at the moment, do not, as it seems, have the drive or passion to even learn unlike before.

In the last decade, there has been a gradual decrease in the amount of interest demonstrated by college students in their college education, which has contributed to low-level grades in general. But the strategy to solve the dilemma is one that has been followed for decades: discipline. More specifically, consistency is required to establish successful study habits.

Good learning behaviors or skills are solutions to the challenges faced by students. This has been so for a long time, but the dynamism in the world and the recent surge in technology, which also means that the methods used during the studies need to be updated in order to keep up.

This is particularly convincing as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, which required students to study and learn at home rather than in the classroom. E-learning or online learning can be successful, but only if the student has the discipline and desire to excel with the resources and materials offered by the instructors.

Without good academic skills, the learner would fall behind in the classroom. Online the failure to develop good study skills can be devastating, leading to an inability to achieve the success in life the student could otherwise achieve.

Where to Find a Copy

The few excerpts of this book are enough reason to grab a copy. Your ward's future is at stake especially with the pandemic showing no sign of retreat. " How to Improve Study Habits " is the ultimate solution for you as a guardian if you do not want a decline in your wards academia. Christine Reidhead has put together all the vital information that's evident of the current situation and why you need a solution as soon as possible.

A book such as this one is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company, by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors that put solves all your child's worrying in a chapter.

It will interest you to know that Christine's book is listed on Amazon. Why not grab your copy of "How to Improve Study Habits" here.

Best Selling Author, Christine Reidhead, Does It Again
Parents' Reactions Buying This Book.

There were mix-felling from parents and students who bought a copy of " How to Improve Study Habits " by Reidhead. Here are a few testmonials:

Testimonial 1 Like others here, we have had challenges with coping with studies after the pandemic intruded on our education. I was always online chatting and wasting time on Facebook. Buying a copy of Christine's book has saved my life, as recently, I see more seriousness in me. Testimonial 2 How to Improve Study HabitsAbout Christine Reidhead is hit and miss. I've had one not-so-great learning experience during the Covid season, but this book has saved my life. There's no need to waste time on social media or blaming schools for our inability to be disciplined. All you need to do is a copy to be at ease.

Reidhead is a lecturer at a Tribal College known as Navajo Technical University. Reidhead is known primarily for her contribution to a variety of fields such as Global Humanity, AfrikRising, Podcasting, and many more. She's even published inspirational books like "Get The Job" aside from the current one. The influential lecturer not only wrote inspirational articles but also made a variety of direct and indirect contributions to her school and to the general public. Apart from becoming a popular college professor at Navajo Technical University, these books will really motivate high school and college students to excel. Read the full biography of Associate Professor Christine Reidhead here.

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