
Best Organic Formula for Breastfed Babies 2021

Posted on the 12 November 2021 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

The reasons for the introduction of extra feeding can be different, but the main one is the lack of breast milk. There are other situations when it is necessary, but they are much less common. Sometimes a sufficient reason for mixed feeding could be an allergy, frequent regurgitation, constipation, etc.

Some parents worry that supplementing with formula will affect the baby’s immune system, but that is not true because babies’ immune systems develop regardless of the type of feeding. Of course, breast milk has a beneficial influence on kids, but the formula contains all the nutrients needed for a growing organism. It is only important to choose the right one for a mixed diet. In such a case, an organic diet is what you are looking for.

Why organic formula?

Organic baby products are made with the best quality natural ingredients. What’s even more, the contents must be at least 95% of natural ingredients to have organic certification. As a result of the fulfillment of all requirements, organic products do not contain traces of pesticides which makes it possible to limit the effect of such substances on children. Infants are more susceptible to the possible negative effects of various unwanted ingredients.

Organic products are distinguished by their taste and higher nutritional value. They contain 20-50% more vitamins, mineral components, and biologically active substances in comparison with non-organic formulas. For example, organic baby formulas have more balanced amino acid contents, a higher content of vitamins and minerals, which means the taste of such food is much better and richer. So if it is necessary to start bottle-feeding, organic food is what you need.

Types of organic formula

If you decide on organic baby feeding, you’ll find out that there are 5 types of it:

  • cow milk – is commonly used as a base for organic baby food. These days lots of them are made with skimmed milk with a mix of organic vegetable oils to have the same fatty acid profile as in breast milk
  • goat milk – has almost the same nutrition value, but it may be more suitable for babies who have issues with cow milk protein absorption or who display symptoms of milk protein allergies
  • soy-based – the main reason to use a soy-based formula is lactose intolerance or severe dairy allergies. Although soy-based formulas provide sufficient nutrition, they are far from ideal. It also could be a challenge to find a truly GMO-free soy-based feeding because most sources of corn and soy have been genetically modified
  • specialty feeding – the immature digestive systems of kids can cause feeding difficulties so there is a wide selection of specialty diets to help ease some of the most common digestive issues like burping, reflux, colic, bloating, etc. For example, HiPP formula contains hydrolyzed proteins and low lactose content to make it easier to digest
  • hypoallergenic formula – here milk proteins have been broken down into small pieces for better digestion, so it is suitable for kids with a mild form of dairy intolerance.

Milk formulas should contain protein, vitamin, and mineral composition, and other components in accordance with the age of a child. Prebiotics and probiotics have to be included in the formula because they improve bowel function, colonize and support the microflora. Organic food may also contain taurine, an essential amino acid, and lutein, which helps to develop a vision system. It should not contain palm oil, starch, or sugar because these components are harmful to a child.

High-quality organic infant formula may also contain choline (removes harmful compounds, helps in the metabolism of fats and muscle growth), tryptophan (promotes good sleep and appetite), nucleotides (helps to absorb iron, promote the growth of healthy microflora), taurine (improves vision).

Best organic brands

Being one of the world-known brands in Europe HiPP is well-known for its specialty formulas, created for babies with feeding issues such as fussiness, reflux, and constipation.

Holle started to produce organic infant products in 1933 and it continues to be among the first for the best quality. Its baby products have one of the highest certifications for organic called Demeter.

Kendamil is an EU-certified British company that has a more natural fat source of Milk Fat Globule Membrane to improve infants’ cognitive development.

Lebenswert is another organic brand which all earned Bioland certification. In the formulas, you can find organic lactose and maltodextrin which make a baby stay full as long as possible.

Loulouka was among the first starting to use skimmed milk as a base for formulas to provide better digestion. Besides, the brand uses Swiss milk which is famous for its high quality.

The optimally select diet will provide infants with full development and the formation of rational eating habits. Although there is no perfect diet for infants except breast milk there are certain formulas with clean and nutritious contents to set a baby up for the best possible start in life.

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