Photo by Kennymatic.
As 2013 comes to a close, Rita, Amy, Tom, Karen & Martin--the contributors from Best of the Boomer Blogs--take a look back. Which posts were the most popular with their readers? Join them for a retrospective: The Best of the Best in 2013!
TC Morgan
On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, reports her readers liked articles most this year on credit reports, recalls, food safety, crowdfunding, cell phones, holidays, and mortgage reform. Runner ups include scams, food waste, and health care credit card high pressure sales.
Take a look at Modern Senior's top blog posts of 2013. Read them for the first time or take a second look at your favorites!
Tom Sightings at Sightings Over Sixty features his most popular posts of the year under the heading "Popular Posts" in the right hand column of his blog. Most of them make sense, as they cover standard retirement issues such as Social Security, health, finance, and where we live when we retire. But as for "10 Reasons Why Men Are Better Than Women" ... don't ask him!JulkaG
Karen at The Generation Above Me notes that films about aging dominate her list of Top 10 Most Viewed Posts published on her blog in 2013.Hollywood has found that mature movie buffs still go to the movie theater. Consequently, there are many films featuring mature actors. Find posts in the Top Ten that list films about dementia, films about love & sex, films about nursing homes and films about mature machismo.
One of the best events of 2013 was the inclusion of Martin Rice from the Fifty to Ninety blog to our group.Martin from FiftytoNinety
offers posts on a range of topics such as health, longevity, fighting ageism, and so forth. Given the popularity of supplements among the 50 plus crowd, check out his recent post on that topic:It’s shocking how dangerous, even deadly, the consumption of herbal dietary supplements can be due to their unregulated nature.
Happy 1st Blogoversary, TGAM!