Frozen Cake Ideas can be tricky to make or find, but the outcome is amazing and is completely and totally worth the struggle of making or finding the cake. The little ones will love nothing more than seeing their absolute favorite movie on their birthday cake, because birthday cake is the next best thing. At birthday parties or special events, one of the most important things to a kid is the cake and what it looks like. Going above and beyond will make their day and blow their world when they see the amazing frozen birthday cake.
Frozen Cake Ideas
There are many different ways to go about this. There are plenty of options when it comes to making the frozen cake because the options are endless. Once Frozen grew in the charts and became more and more popular, retail came out as well as almost anything you can find. More and more frozen birthday parties were happening the more popular the movie became.

This one is along the more simple side of the cake making process. Instead of making endless tiers and gross icing, you can use pipe icing. You may need a little bit of practice to be able to do this successfully but the main idea is that it is still awesome and not nearly as much money as many frozen cakes.

This cake looks like it can be done at home as well with the right materials. There is a video tutorial that can be followed regarding the Olaf at the top of the cake. Every kids favorite character is Olaf and they would adore to see it on top of their cake, maybe with a stuffed Olaf as a gift to follow the cake. Better than Olaf would be eating him and having him to hold!
Follow the video to learn how to make an Olaf cake. This will show you everything step by step rather than trying to free hand it. Make an awesome Olaf for your amazing frozen cake and make your frozen cake idea come to life in less than 2 hours. It's a guarantee that your children will love you to death if you try to do this for them because they don't care what it looks like as long as it's frozen!

This cake is one that can be easily made at a bakery or a super market that makes cakes. Many people would be more than happy to make this if they don't already have a template of Frozen of some sort. This is your typical "birthday" cake that you see at many birthday parties. Make your disney frozen experience one to remember with an awesome Elsa and Ana cake. No matter what age, frozen is always accepted and loved. Many teenagers and young adults have watched frozen and absolutely loved it.

Along the more expensive and crazy side, we have this amazing tiered frozen cake. The detail on this is amazing and everything is made to perfection as well as the taste we are sure. These can be ordered at a large bakery for a decent amount of money, you just have to schedule an appointment with them to make sure you are on the same page with what you specifically want.
Don't worry, this will satisfy your kids obsession to frozen and never ending song breakouts of "Let it Go" and "Love is an Open Door". Nothing will say wow like this amazing and large cake in front of them, all their friends, and all your family.
If you need any more ideas other than this article, you can either google it or look it up on Pinterest. Pinterest is a great place to find ideas but often times the link to it does not work or doesn't take you to the correct place to find what exactly your looking for.

This cake is one of the most beautiful ones. It hides a theme behind the idea that its whats on the inside that actually counts, not the huge and decorated outside. This cake inside makes if feel like your eating like a princess and like your eating in the middle of the snow forrest with the characters. Not to mention, it is very beautiful. The simplicity of this cake is one of the best parts and can be made out to be delicious as well. Fondant icing is not needed to cover the whole cake, just the top ice layer. The blue part is actual spread icing that you can buy at the grocery market. The blue and purple marble inside can be made with vanilla or purple mix with purple and blue food dye if you can't find actual blue cake. If you look around enough, you will certainly be able to find blue and purple cake. If not, food dye works just as great.

Make it a little unique and make sure all the characters are on the cake. A frozen cake idea is to add a little quote at the bottom; maybe their favorite frozen quote or favorite song from it. This can be done either with pipe icing or fondant on the base of the cake or even on the side, just make sure it is refrigerated well if you chose to put the pipe icing on the side of the cake. This cake may be a little more money as well because of the figures on top that are needed to complete the cake. Nothing compares to an amazing cake show piece though. Just make sure you spend your cake money on quality great tasting cake too rather than it being just all completely for looks. Many times people spend a ton of money the looks and it ends up just being all about the outer layer. Sometimes the large bakeries will use more rice crispy than cake which can make some people a little upset. The best way to avoid this problem is to communicate with the bakery and make an appointment.

If the cake was way too stressful, then you should certainly take up the idea of the cupcakes. The cupcakes will be easier to make and a lot easier to decorate for sure. You won't have to worry about writing anything on them, making any special characters out of icing, or any hard task like that. To make it look like its from frozen, you van make the icing either blue or white, and add either blue or white sprinkles. If you JUST do that, it will just look like its from a winter wonderland series or some cold theme. To make it really stand out as being from frozen, you can buy little frozen rings or objects to put on top of the icing. This is a non edible way of incorporating frozen ideas into the dish.

Here is an excellent idea for a no-mess dessert. Cake pops are always a safe route to go when it comes to birthday parties or serving them. They are very easy to make into a frozen theme as well because they have a stick that all you have to do is tape the characters to. To make it sparkly and have a crystal look to it, you should have the sprinkles added to the cake pop before it is even dry...then it will have a no-mess design to it.