Pets Magazine

Best Friends Redux

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

in town, Kanab, Utah, there are some new chain hotels that are pet friendly such as Comfort suites, Holiday inn, and Hampton inn with pet fees of $10 or twenty per pet per night and also a few others that are not chains such as Parry lodge, which also has a coffee shop. if you are visiting Best friends, it is easier to get around by staying right in kanab. there are other properties that are twenty or thirty miles away. these are pet friendly but then you have to drive forty to sixty miles a day, if you are volunteering.

The prices from April until September, high season, are higher than at other times of the year. The weather in the summer can be very humid and hot. Cici and I visited during mid-March and it is already in the 80’s, the prices are not so high and there are not as many tourists, although as we drove through Zion, it was pretty filled up and crowded with hikers.

Please call the Best Friends Welcome Center at 435-644-2001, ext. 4537 or email them at  and ask to be scheduled on a tour.

Tour times are:8:30 a.m.10 a.m.,  1 p.m.  or  2:30 p.m.

I asked about the rest of the Vicktory Dogs who are still there. The Welcome Center does include info about them during the tour.

This is what I was told.
“One of them is court-ordered to stay here for life and the other three  have special circumstances that make it likely that they will live out their lives here which is just fine with their caregivers who love them. The Vicktory Dogs who are still here are not comfortable with strangers so actually meeting the dogs isn’t possible. Mya and Curly are extremely shy. Next January will be the 10th anniversary of their arrival here. So time is marching on. Out of the 22 who came to Best Friends, we are happy that 13 of them were able to be adopted.”

Best Friends Redux

I also visited the little store that BFAS has in town because they had a sign that said cat cuddling. i WAS game.  there were only two cats in there but one of them reminded me of my baby boy Abundance, a black cat with some white on his chest and paws. Had not expected that. Touched my heart.

Also got to spend some time chatting with Kevin Johnson, now retired, who used to work at BFAS, his wife still does. They adopted Ray one of the V-dogs, who passed a couple of years ago. Now they have three other pit bulls, Bosco, Bubba and Turtle and numerous parrots and a cat. Each have their own challenges. We shared pit bull stories and specific instances of dogs and love and opportunities of being a guardian of the furry creatures. Of course, Cici slobbered all over Kevin’s legs and showed off her belly.

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