
Best Essential Oils to Relieve Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

Posted on the 13 March 2019 by Esm

Pink eye, medically known as conjunctivitis is a common eye infection which is contagious. Though it is mostly seen in children, it can spread and happen to anyone of any age.

The common symptoms of this eye infection is redness of eyes, blurred vision, continuous discharge, itchiness, watery eyes and sometimes also forms a bump under the eyelid.

Conjunctivitis is said to be spread due to virus and also quite often the cause is bacteria, irritants or any allergy.

Because conjunctivitis is highly contagious, it is recommended to treat it as soon as possible.

Though it is treatable, doctors do not offer any conventional treatment as such. Eye drops are suggested or the eyes get naturally healed within a week. However, to soothe the irritating symptoms, natural remedies are readily available. One of the best remedies for pink eye is essential oil.

Now you must be wondering how the highly concentrated essential oils can relieve the painful eyes?

Usually, it is recommended to dilute and use essential oils to reduce its power but in case of pink eyes, this won't work. Particularly for pink eyes, the only solution is to diffuse the essential oil and add it to the humidifier or simply add a few drops of oil in boiling water and take steam so that it reaches your eyes.

You can also soak diluted essential oil in a cotton ball and place it over your closed eyes but just for 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure the oil doesn't come in direct contact with the eyeball.

So if you have decided to embrace essential oil to relieve from the pain and irritation of conjunctivitis, here are the best essential oils:

Tea tree essential oil

Get rid of the bacteria and virus causing pink eye. The powerful antibacterial components present in the oil helps to kill the bacteria.

Tea tree essential oil is a traditional medicine that is known to prevent infection and faster healing.

The natural can cause more irritation and pain if directly applied on the eyes. Make sure to use it in a diluted form.

The safest way to use this is oil is by adding 2 drops of tea tree oil in steaming water and then taking steam. It helps to heal the eyes more quickly.

Roman chamomile hydrolat essential oil

The anti inflammatory properties of Roman chamomile hydrolat fights itchiness and help to keep your eyes calm when affected by conjunctivitis.

It also effectively kills the bacteria and virus that causes the infection called pink eye.

This aromatic essential oil soothes the eyes and reduces redness in the eyes. Make sure it is mixed well before use.

Neem essential oil

With its anti bacterial, anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties, neem essential is proven to be beneficial to heal the pink eye. It fights the bacteria and helps to soothe the eyes and reduce inflammation. It also lessens the pain and irritation caused. The best way to use essential oil for conjunctivitis is by blending it with tea tree essential oil. The properties of both the oil will lead to more and quick improvement of this contagious eye infection. The symptoms become really tolerable until the infection completely goes off.

Lavender essential oil

It is an ultimate essential oil with myriads of health benefits. Lavender essential oil is suitable for everyone and mostly for every type of infection. The soothing and therapeutic advantages of lavender essential oil make it a best choice to relieve pink eye infection. It kills the bacteria and helps to tolerate almost all symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Clove essential oil

Right from the ancient times, clove is popularly known as a natural pain killer. The powerful anti viral properties in clove essential oil make it favourable to kill the virus and reduce the infection before time. This essential oil also possess anti bacteria properties that helps to kill bacteria. It reduces most of the symptoms of pink eye. Make sure you blend it well with any carrier oil before use.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Extracted from the effective Eucalyptus leaves, origin Australia, eucalyptus essential oil can fight the virus that causes conjunctivitis in eyes. Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to get rid of the eye infection by blending it with any carrier oil. You can either use it as a diffuser or add few drop to boiling water and take steam for better results.

Peppermint essential oil

To get rid of the bacteria causing eye infection, peppermint essential oil is simply best. If you are suffering from conjunctivitis because of the bacteria then use peppermint essential oil. It smells great and works excellent on the relieving the symptoms. The oil also helps to keep your mood alleviated and fresh. It naturally cleans your eyes and reduces the inflammation, irritation, redness and itchiness. Peppermint essential oil needs to be blended with any carrier oil for the best result without leading to any additional pain.

Myrrh essential oil

Initially, myrrh essential oil was not used for pink eye infection but later it proved to be beneficial to beat the irritation caused due to infection. The anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties of myrrh essential oil help to lessen the inflammation caused due to pink eye infection. It's been used for centuries to naturally to improve many health conditions. Myrrh essential oil also helps in relaxation. For the best results and safety, do not forget to blend the essential oil with any suitable carrier oil.

Best carrier oil

Coconut oil is the best blend. It itself contains anti fungal and anti bacterial properties which when mixed with any essential oil offers double benefit. It reduces irritation, redness, dryness and other symptoms of pink eye infection. After blending and applying the oil, make sure you later carefully rinse your eyes with warm water.

Remember, if accidentally the essential oil enters your eyes, use mild carrier oil, soak it in soft cloth and wipe it off.

Though essential oil have not come up as a mainstream medicine to treat pink eye but research says the powerful healing properties can help healing pink eye infection effectively.

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