One of the most searched topics on YouTube is best dog videos. Aside from the sheer cuteness of dogs, watching their videos can be a great way to de-stress from personal and/or work related hassles.
Here are some of some of the top ranking/ most viewed best dog videos on YouTube that will surely make your day!
Bizkit, The Sleep Walking Dog
Solider Reunion, Dog Crying
Jaden and Sadie
Herbie Loves Ringtones
Beagle Puppy Howl
Aside from the aforementioned best dog videos, you can still find a ton of YouTube videos that star dogs in all their cuteness, bravery, and charm. Some of the videos can be quite emotional, especially the ones which show great love for their owners, while others are 100% adorable because of the innate charm of our favorite four-legged friends.
Watching best dog videos online can be an instant spirit booster, particularly when your day turns out bad. Dogs can give you something to smile, grin and even giggle about. They can also provide you with the lesson that even if life sometimes turns out to be too much of hardship, you still have it in you to find ways to cheer yourself up!
Love Between a Child and a Dog