Business Magazine

Best Ads on The Big Game That Shall Remain Nameless

Posted on the 02 February 2020 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

You all know which big game I'm referring to - the one that you need to pay a license to even mention the name.

I've skipped the ads some of the years, but back in February many years ago, my first blog post was about the ads and it was the FedEx caveman in 2006.

So far all of the ads that I've watched are directed to a different human being than me. The woman screaming on the treadmill. The potato chip zombie cartoon. All those junk food commercials, actually. And the unreal special effects car commercials.

Later today (or probably tomorrow morning) I will let you know, with an update to this post, about my favorite big game commercial from 2020.

Meanwhile, here are favorites of years gone by:

Best Ads on The Big Game that Shall Remain Nameless

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