Blackpool knew that I needed some headspace, taking me to a place 'Beside The Sea' had to be done! No word of a lie, the view in the distance overlooking the Irish Sea had me speechless, the view behind me looked vastly different! Back to the 'Blackpool Tower', there would be no going up it but I found something related to a former family 'comedy duo'. B, the 'North Pier' served!

2014 didn't bestow me any 'chill' because not once can I remember taking a second to pay attention to the ocean view in Blackpool. Hand on heart, 2022 had me paying attention in real-time! Finding a 'sweet spot' allowed me to survey the coastline like a 'pirate' of some sorts, definitely I noticed something in the view before me. After looking at 'Google Maps', that distance outline could have probably been the 'Isle Of Man' or 'Northern Ireland?' Come at me with those co-ordinates if you know the answer to this question? I dare you! No lies, the view from Blackpool's 'Promenade' had me envisaging a tropical vista! Honestly, the weather was amazing that Friday in April 2022! The 'super-strength' winds had me watching those gargantuan clouds literally fly past me! With the tide in, the water posed as the only physical view. I was quite glad that the sand didn't make an appearance because the 'Irish Sea' became the only thing in view as I gazed into the waters infinite edge. BPL, I was massively impressed!
Undoubtedly, the view on the opposite side from where I was standing acted as the perfect 'juxtapose'. Living in landlocked West Midlands had me dumb as to what an actual coastline looked like, pleasantly surprised was the mood! Families were out and about, others were also having much more a good time for the early hour of the afternoon. Other views along the 'Promenade' served 'normality' but I wasn't mad about that because everyone in their own special way deserved to enjoy their afternoon. I actually couldn't believe my 'ocean view' was along the 'North West coast' of England, for others the waters of the sea attached to Blackpool could have been their only experience of a sea view entirely. I saw a dog jump into the sea whilst I was closer to the waters edge, that little dog like he was living his 'best life!' Some kids were braver than I was feeling, some were soaked through to bone after some seaside 'swimming' had taken place! Here's to changing perceptions, enjoying the view where it flows 'Beside The Sea!'

Behind that 'show-stopping' view into the Irish Sea, the legendary Blackpool Tower stood waiting for me to rediscover the magic of that Victorian 'Grade I Listed' tower. I was thankful that no scaffolding could be seen on the 'tower' because in 2014 it wasn't a mood. Blackpool's Tower had me looking at its own iron structure with a thirst to know more, so during this blog construction period, I owe it to Blackpool to reel off some historical facts. Constructed from 1891 until the grand opening in 1894, Blackpool Tower then stood as the tallest man made tower in the British Empire. Inspired by the world famous 'Eiffel Tower', the famous pull of Blackpool's 'working class' visiting masses all poured into see that Parisian like Lancashire tower. I have seen more documentaries about 'Blackpool' to know how this tourist town has pulled in the money since those 'paid holidays' were first introduced for the working British people. Here's to me reciting said facts about Blackpool's own 'seaside' tower, I was down to learn more! Yes, BB!
As I walked around the area outside of the Blackpool Tower, I noticed that it was the Ballroom stood underneath as a world class anchor. On the ground overlooking the 'tower' and 'ballroom', I noticed a vast floor display showcase a series of well-known 'comedians' who had performed at the very venue. My paternal grandfather and great-uncle worked together for many years as a 'double act', they called themselves 'Hope & Keen'. With a family birth connection leading me back to Blackpool, the former double act surely had their own names etched outside Blackpool's Tower & Ballroom? I wanted to know! Child, I looked like a damn fool because I scoured down those performing names. Blackpool had me looking intensely! Sorry, not sorry! I didn't have to swallow any bitter pills because I found 'Hope & Keen' sitting pretty alongside 'Jane Horrocks', 'Bob Hope' and other greats! Related to Blackpool comedy legends? Baby, I was born that way! Another new element served up to me, effortlessly Blackpool kept on impressing me! Sing it, B!

Living in the light, Blackpool's 'North Pier' had me walking along my own elevated catwalk! No rain clouds over me, the blustery Northern winds had me at one with a very different 'North Pier' setting, taking the picture I caught the winning light! I had originally visited that 'Seaside Pier' entertainment solution in 2014, it saw me experiencing 'Joey Blower's' own comedy set at the 'Merrie England Bar'. His 2014 jokes were bluer than those 2022 skies and seawater, no lie I had no problem with his jokes and not wanting to go off, I was alright with being pulled onto the stage! 2022 had me not seeing any 'Joey Blower' or 'Merrie England Bar' at the North Pier, I paid that alteration no mind because I didn't have to pay a price to walk along the pier. Blackpool was giving me just what I wanted, the Victorian style pier had me snatching 'postcard' worthy views from my 'centre stage' pier-head view. The wind had me feeling like I was going to fly, fly! I didn't have to beware of anything, the sea air had me intoxicated! Jesus, those views!
I honestly loved my time walking along the pier, it didn't have any gimmicks, I didn't need to see the attractions because Blackpool came through with something lovely! The skyline along the Prom had me looking at my own postcard, hands down I wasn't mad! The Lancashire 'temptress' had me looking thrice, she had snatched those 'Beside The Sea' trophies! Critics need to stay mad, there's so much more to Blackpool with a killer pier serving me with those memories without the crowds or tricks. Blackpool will always be that 'b*tch' through good times and bad, even during a 'Pandemic' this 'seaside town' keeps welcoming guests like it did back in the 1800s! From those never-ending sea views, to the 'tower' educating me endlessly and the pier had me walking towards greatness! It pays to be 'Beside The Sea' because you already know I didn't spend three hours plus on a NX coach for nothing! No way! I hope that the future keeps Blackpool serving those Promenade customers right into the next! Blackpool, you've been read!
Serving Promenade Realness!
Desperately Seeking Adventure