
Benefits of Computer Glasses When Working Or Studying

Posted on the 16 November 2020 by Indianjagran

By GearHungry Staff

Published 09:00 am

Why You Need Computer Glasses

It’s safe to say that almost everybody spends a lot of their day staring at the screen. Screens are a huge part of our day-to-day, from answering emails or planning projects at work, cramming in the last information before the big test tomorrow, or staring at gaming monitors. While screens have become essential to our everyday lives, too much exposure can seriously impact our health and adversely affect our concentration. For these reasons, computer glasses (a.k.a. gaming glasses) are so crucial, and here are the benefits of wearing computer glasses when at work, study, or play.

computer glasses can help maintain your eyesight

1. Reduce Eye Strain

Staring at a computer screen for too long can cause digital eye strain. While you may not have heard of this term before, you’ve surely experienced the symptoms, which can include itchy eyes, blurred vision, and general fatigue. Computer glasses can filter out the issues, relieving the strain on your eyes and enabling you to maintain comfort in front of the screen, especially when you have a mammoth gaming session planned for the next four hours.

2. Block Blue Light

Blue light will increase your alertness and improve awareness. Natural blue light (like that emitted by the sun) can help wake you up in the morning. And while that’s great, increased exposure to blue light stops our brains from switching off at night. This disruption can cause issues getting to sleep, leading to insomnia and extreme tiredness the next day.

Whether you use single or dual setup monitors, you increase the risk of blue light exposure. Quality computer glasses feature blue light filtration, which allows you to wind down when you finish work. You can also use blue light filters on your devices to help reduce this blue light emission further.

Computer Glasses Can block blue light

3. Keep Eyesight Healthy

You may have spent your youth being told repeatedly by your parents that staring at the screen for too long will turn you cross-eyed. Obviously, this isn’t the case, but that doesn’t mean that continuous exposure to screens won’t affect your eyesight.

While screens themselves won’t cause wildly significant or permanent issues, they can still affect you in other ways. The more you stare at the screen, the more tired your eyes become, which causes you to work harder to focus. Sometimes, you may even need to lean closer to the screen, which will affect your posture.

There is also the risk of macular degeneration. This condition typically affects people over 60 years of age. However, by failing to protect your eyes, you can increase the risk of early-onset macular degeneration, leading to permanent sight loss.

4. Reduce Glare

Glare from your computer will make it more difficult to see the screen, which means you will need to focus more, and this can put unnecessary pressure on your brain. You may also need to lean forward and turn up the brightness, causing an increase in blue light emissions.

With computer glasses, you can avoid this problem. The lenses will filter out the increased blue light and help you see the screen more clearly. From here, you’ll not have to strain too much (or even at all) to see the screen properly, which will take a lot of pressure off you.

For even better results, consider investing in curved monitors, which can also prevent glare from bouncing off the screen, improving your eye health. You can also look at anti-glare coatings, especially if you enjoy working outside on a hot and sunny summer’s day.

computer glasses improve focus

5. Improve and Maintain Concentration

You might consider yourself somewhat of a multitasker, so the idea of doing a lot of things at once may not phase you. Despite this, humans were not designers to juggle too many things at once, and even trying to split your focus between two things can affect your focus and concentration.

When looking at stationary or portable monitors and experiencing glare, you need to work harder to see through the glare or brightness while also focusing on the material in front of you, whether this is work, study information, or the game. Trying to do so will impact your focus, making you prone to mistakes. Furthermore, eye strain caused by looking at a screen can cause painful headaches, which threaten to affect your concentration and hinder your productivity. Your computer glasses can help you to mitigate this issue and thereby enable you to stay on-task.

6. See Clearly, Feel Better

Blue light and eye strain can affect anybody, even if you’ve never needed glasses before. Suppose you are experiencing regular headaches and issues with focus and feeling fatigued with greater frequency. In that case, it could be a sign that you need to consider investing in computer gaming glasses as soon as possible. As long as you wear them whenever you are using a screen, you will experience a significant improvement when working or studying.


  1. Safeguarding Your Sight – Harvard Health
  2. Could The Cause Of Your Headaches Be Digital Eye Strain? – Hackensack Meridian Health

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