Family Magazine

Beneficial Side Activities for Busy Mums

By Evette Garside @evette77

Beneficial Side Activities for Busy MumsBeneficial Side Activities for Busy Mums

Being a working mother can lead to feelings of guilt and stress due to divided attention between your busy job and family. However, this need-not be the case as there is an array of side activities that you can indulge in to decompress. Here is a list of side activities that have immense benefits to your body, soul and mind that you can do in your free time. It is important to create time for self-care.

Learning a Language

Challenge yourself to learn a new language as learning something has almost the same effect on the brain asexercising your muscles. Therefore, you could try to learn a second language such as French, Spanish, German and Italian. One of the most convenient ways to do this, is to download a language app on your phone like Babbel for example, and follow the structured program. In addition, the platform is compatible with most devices and thus you can practice at any time and from any location, with lessons lasting about 10-15 minutes.

Take part in a charity group

Taking part in a charity group is another side activity for a busy mom that has immense advantages. Charity groups helps you make a change to other people's lives as well as giving you a number of benefits. Charity activities have been shown to increase the sense of happiness of the participants, which is an important aspect of mental health. Additionally, taking part in a charity group increases the chances of you meeting other mothers who can be part of your support group later on. Set aside a day from your busy schedule during the month to take part in a charity group.


Yoga is described as a mindfulness technique, which entails physical poses and breathing. As a busy mom, Yoga is beneficial as it enhances your emotional well-being by making you feel calm and relaxed. Additionally, it has physical benefits such as weight loss and improved sleep. Research has shown yoga improves mind-body awareness and promotes physical movements. Consequently, create time whether early morning or in the evening for a yoga session.

Take time to Spruce up your CV and invest in personal development

Take time off your busy for personal development activities such as learning new skills and meditation. In addition, edit and spruce up your Curriculum vitae by adding new skills and objectives to the CV. This increases your chances of career progression later on in life by increasing chances of new jobs and promotions. Personal development changes your focus in life from quantity to quality ensuring you have improved performances in your tasks.

Make a good meal for you and your family

Take time off your busy schedule and routine and make a good meal for you and your family. This is the time or day that you try out that new recipe you read online. A good meal is not only tasty but can also a healthy one. Ever tried making a nice butternut squash soup or chicken al limone? Enjoy the good meal you have been craving as a mode of self-care and it also helps in breaking your daily routine and meals.

Beneficial Side Activities for Busy Mums
Beneficial Side Activities for Busy Mums

Work under the sun for at least 15 minutes a day

Working outdoors under the sun allows you to get the vital vitamin D that is important for strong bones. Moreover, working outdoors in nature reduces stress and improves the general feeling of being happy derived from the sense of relaxation. Therefore, spend at least 15 minutes a day working under the sun to enjoy the health benefits.

The above listed side activities for busy mothers are a good way to declutter your mind and relax. They enhance work-life balance for moms. Indulge in this activities at your own convenient time and location to enjoy benefits to your body, mind and soul.

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