
Beloved Child Stars: Where Are They Now

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Beloved Child Stars: Where Are They NowBeloved Child Stars: Where Are They Now


It seems like yesterday we were watching these actors and actresses as teens and teens - but believe it or not, these familiar faces have definitely grown up now! From your favorite Disney Channel and Nickelodeon stars to child actors you have completely forgotten about, these celebrities have come a long way since their years as popular children's stars. While some have decided to leave the spotlight to pursue other careers, others have since appeared in other shows and movies - and have even become more famous than they have ever been. Of course, no matter where they ended up today, many of them are barely recognizable now - especially if we had never known them as adorable young faces. For the ultimate nostalgic comeback (which will also make you feel super old!), Take a look at what these former child actors are up to now.

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THEN: Dylan and Cole Sprouse

Remember those Disney Channel twins The life of the Zack and Cody sequel? They actually started their acting careers quite young - in fact, you can also see Cole as Ross Geller's son Ben in the hit 90s sitcom. friends!

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NOW: Dylan and Cole Sprouse

Twins are still fairly well known to this day. While Cole now plays the role of Jughead Jones in The CW's Riverdale, Dylan has made a name for himself as co-founder of a New York hydromellerie - and will soon be starring in an upcoming film called After our collision.

RELATED: Your 28 favorite Disney Channel stars yesterday and today

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THEN: Mara Wilson

You may remember Mara Wilson as your favorite telekinetic child in the 1996 family film "Matilda" - it's hard to believe that it has been well over 20 years since the charming little girl captured our hearts!

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NOW: Mara Wilson

Although Mara retired in 2000 to focus on her writing (in fact, she has a published book called Where am I now ?: True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame), the actress recently returned to the screen in 2012, in the drama comedy film Billie bob joe and in a Ms. Doubtfire- episode inspired by Broad City.

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THEN: Blake and Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit

When the real twins Blake and Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit joined the Full house thrown into the show's sixth season, they immediately stole the show. Playing with the children of Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky, Nicky and Alex, the Tuomy-Wilhoits were absolutely adorable.

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NOW: Blake and Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit

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NOW: Dante Basco

Since playing the Scarlet-haired Lost Boy, Basco has grown a lot - and he has a much more docile haircut, of course. Basco has been busy with many different types of roles, including voicing Zuko in the popular and Avatar: the last airbender series and appearing on shows like EntourageCommunity.

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NOW: Jerry Mathers

After Leave it to the beaver, Jerry joined the United States Air Force Reserve, eventually reaching the rank of sergeant. He has done some acting pieces here and there, and is now the national spokesperson for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America organization.

RELATED: Where are they now: the cast of "Happy Days"

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THEN: Candace Cameron Bure

Candace followed in the footsteps of her older brother Kirk, aka Mike Seaver of Growth pains. In 1987 she was chosen as D.J. Tanner in Full house, starting her career as one of the most famous preadolescents of the late 80s and early 90s.

RELATED: Candace Cameron Bure's more complete definition of beauty

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NOW: Candace Cameron Bure

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THEN: Tia and Tamera Mowry

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Sam Escobar
Sam's enthusiasm for make-up is matched only by her love for everything about cats.

Hannah Jeon
Hannah is a member of the editorial staff of Good Housekeeping, where she enjoys covering the home, health, entertainment and other lifestyle content.

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