Politics Magazine

Belief In God In The United States

Posted on the 29 September 2019 by Jobsanger
Belief In God In The United States
Belief In God In The United States
Belief In God In The United States
These charts are from a recent CBS News Poll -- done between September 10th and 15th of a national sample of 1,012 adults, with a margin of error of 3 points. They asked respondents about their belief in god. Overall, about 78% said they believed in god -- about 4 points lower than this same poll in 2006.
As the top chart shows, a belief in god has declined by generation. Only 67% of those 18-34 believe in god -- 18 points lower than those over 55.
The South has the highest percentage believing in god (83%), while the West has the lowest percentage (70%).
Belief also varies by political persuasion. About 86% of conservatives believe in god, while only about 65% of liberals believe.

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