Gardening Magazine

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show

By Kate_miller

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show

Re-Blooming Butterfly Orchid #1

I'm so happy.

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show

Re-Blooming Butterfly Orchid #2

Like sliding across the kitchen floor in my stocking feet happy.

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show

Re-Blooming Butterfly Orchids #3, 4 & 5!!!

The sun is shining. The snow is melting. Could it be? Could it be?
Is it finally springtime? Garden time? Playing in the mud time? I certainly hope so. Because I'm so over winter it's not even funny.

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show

My Christmas Cactus is still hard at it.

Could kick myself for being so absent-minded. Completely forgot about Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. (Held on the 15th of each month.)

Belated Bloom Day Orchid Show


And, I was soooo looking forward to showing off the Orchids. They look pretty enough to be store bought beauties. But, I assure you they are not. These are all re-bloomers.
I almost always have one Orchid in bloom. But, this year they took pity on me and my cabin fever. All of my girls decided to flower at the exact same time.
Ah, springtime...  Here's today's moment of Zen:

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