Video advertising – This type of advertising in terms of digital/online means are advertisements that play on online videos e.g. YouTube videos. This type of marketing has seen an increase in popularity over time.[46] Online Video Advertising usually consists of three types: Pre-Roll advertisements which play before the video is watched, Mid-Roll advertisements which play during the video, or Post-Roll advertisements which play after the video is watched.[47] Post-roll advertisements were shown to have better brand recognition in relation to the other types, where-as “ad-context congruity/incongruity plays an important role in reinforcing ad memorability”.[46] Due to selective attention from viewers, there is the likelihood that the message may not be received.[48] The main advantage of video advertising is that it disrupts the viewing experience of the video and therefore there is a difficulty in attempting to avoid them. How a consumer interacts with online video advertising can come down to three stages: Pre attention, attention, and behavioural decision.[49] These online advertisements give the brand/business options and choices. These consist of length, position, adjacent video content which all directly affect the effectiveness of the produced advertisement time,[46] therefore manipulating these variables will yield different results. Length of the advertisement has shown to affect memorability where-as longer duration resulted in increased brand recognition.[46] This type of advertising, due to its nature of interruption of the viewer, it is likely that the consumer may feel as if their experience is being interrupted or invaded, creating negative perception of the brand.[46] These advertisements are also available to be shared by the viewers, adding to the attractiveness of this platform. Sharing these videos can be equated to the online version of word by mouth marketing, extending number of people reached.[50] Sharing videos creates six different outcomes: these being “pleasure, affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation, and control”.[46] As well, videos that have entertainment value are more likely to be shared, yet pleasure is the strongest motivator to pass videos on. Creating a ‘viral’ trend from mass amount of a brands advertisement can maximize the outcome of an online video advert whether it be positive or a negative outcome.
With retail outlets, particularly malls, clearly having a tough run due to online shopping cutting into their customer base, there is a new set of companies aiming to reduce that trend by enriching retail experiences beyond simply shopping.
Currently the most popular instant messaging provider worldwide, WhatsApp is a cross-platform app that uses your internet connection or data plan to send and receive messages. Users can send messages to individuals or groups using text, photos, videos and even voice messages. Unlike Kik and other popular messaging apps, WhatsApp uses your phone number rather than usernames or pins (despite being an alternative to SMS). Users can allow WhatsApp to connect to their phone’s address book so that their contacts can be seamlessly transferred to the app. The app also offers a few customizable features like profiles, wallpapers and notification sounds. More »
This new social media course taught by Wharton Professor Jonah Berger and author of the best-selling book “Contagious: Why Things Catch On” teaches you the key ideas and concepts behind viral marketing and crafting content that inspire people to share it with their friends.
Siri’s Google alternative is getting smarter and smarter at being your little digital assistant (or friend, depending on how much you love your device). It’s worth a download, especially if you’re using a lot of other Google apps.
Most people just consume and share other’s people content but when you start making your own content you can build your own media platform. This allows you to develop a distinctive personal brand around your areas of expertise and become a recognized thought leader in your field.
One of our monthly checks here at Buffer is to visit each of our social media profiles and make sure that our profile photos, cover photos, bio, and profile info are up-to-date and complete. It’s a key part to our social media audit. A completed profile shows professionalism, cohesive branding, and a signal to visitors that you’re serious about engaging.
Thanks for sharing, Ann! Really interesting to see inside your process. I think that the research-heavy, non-fluff articles are quite valuable as they stand out from a lot of the other content that’s out there to consume. Just my 2 cents. Would love to know what you think!
Social CRM (customer relationship marketing) can be a very powerful business tool. For example, establishing a Facebook page allows people who like your brand and the way you conduct business to Like your page, which creates a venue for communication, marketing and networking. Through social media sites, you can follow conversations about your brand for real-time market data and feedback.
Inbound marketing pioneer Hubspot offers a variety of free Inbound Marketing Certification Program. While their courses are aimed at people in digital marketing and social media industries, if you’re dedicated you can learn a lot about content marketing.
With Habit Minder you can track your progress and analyze detailed statistics for each of your goals. For stressed-out social media marketers, little nudges and micro-goals can make all the difference between a forgotten intention and a completed accomplishment.