Being named best man is an honor. There are few surer signs that you have the real trust and respect of a friend, brother, or relative. But it's also a position that puts no shortage of pressure on a guy. You have a role to play, real responsibilities, and something of a symbolic place of pride in the wedding party. You don't want to mess it up, so here are a few pointers on what exactly you have to do and how you can be the best best man you can be.
Take the lead on the bachelor party
You are the single person in charge of organizing the bachelor party as best as possible. This means organizing everyone who has to go, which may mean having a pre-emptive talk with the groom about who they want there. It's also up to you to brainstorm and come up with bachelor party ideas and locations. Keep a checklist of those going and ensure that you know when they have booked any accommodation and travel necessary. Bachelor parties are getting bigger and more extensive, often involving travel, so don't be afraid to enlist the help of the groomsmen.
If he needs help with the plans, do it
Traditionally, the bride takes care of most of the wedding planning. Just like bachelor parties, however, weddings are getting much bigger. Grooms tend to share more of the planning and organizing duties than ever before and the man in question might find himself overwhelmed. It's part of your duties to step up whenever he needs help with the planning. You shouldn't be making any final decisions, of course. The bride would probably kill you. Your duties might be more about picking things up for him, helping him come to decisions, and other little practical tasks. Planning a wedding is stressful, even if it's shared between the couple, the planner, and the whole family. Just be there to help out when asked.

Spend time preparing the speech

Make sure he has everything he needs
Don't make the groom regret choosing you as a best man. Take the duties and responsibilities seriously, while helping to take the edge off his own wedding preparation, practical and mental. You can end up being the one who holds the whole thing together or lets it down, so get your head in the game.