Blogging Marathon# 42: Week 3/ Day 3
Theme: Misc Food Related -- Behind the Food Photos
Topic: Behind the scenes of Food photography
After getting the backgrounds and props ready, it is time to take the photos of your yummy food. First thing to consider is the Lighting. Here's a previous post where I talked a little bit about Lighting. Finding good natural or artificial light is absolutely critical for food photography.
All of my photos are taken in natural light. One of the perks of being a stay-at-home mom is that I now know the spots around the house where there is good light depending on the time of the day. I am lucky enough to have enough space in the house to move my boards anywhere I want. After signing up for this theme, I found another good spot in the kitchen that can used between 10AM-12PM. Photos for the Vegetarian McMuffins were taken using this setup.
Depending on the direction of light used, there are 2 type of lightings -- Side Lighting & Back Lighting. All of my photos have side lighting. I usually place a bouncer on the other side to reflect the light back on to the food. I haven't been successful in taking back light photos.
A typical behind the scene of my food photos include my 20 month old walking around with me wherever I go. If I leave the setup to bring something from the kitchen, it is 100% sure that she is going to either spill something or mess up the setup. So I carry her with me or keep everything in book shelves where she can't reach them. She runs away with spoons, mint leaves and just about anything she can get her hands on in a blink of an eye.
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked up today for BM# 42