Art & Design Magazine

Beginning a New Painting on Canvas

By Abstractartbylt @artbylt

I've been working on small canvases lately, composing them mostly with a palette knife, experimenting freely.  In this new painting, I began by applying titanium white, parcment, and unbleached titanium over the whole canvas, blending them as I worked. 

Next I made some broad swaths of cadmium yellow light, cadmium red medium, and Prussian blue, keeping the paint on the surface as much as possible. I wanted the pure color to be there rather than blending it with the paler shades beneath.  I was working while all the paint was still wet, so the application has to be done carefully.

After cleaning the palette knife thoroughly, I used the edge of it to scrape blocks of color off the canvas--revealing the colors underneath and creating blends.  Then I decided more white was needed, so I added some back in.  As I worked, I stood back periodically to see how it was coming along.

Tomorrow after the paint dries, I'll decide what to do next.

  Painting #178, 20" x 20" acrylic on canvas.

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