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Do you find German language a difficult language to learn? For some, they find this language easy because their native language is somewhat related to German. However, to those whose native language is far too incomprehensible for German language, you might want to consider the most recommendable way to make your learning process easier. Yes, you thought of it right! Make your German language learning easier by starting to its basics!
Of course, everything learned will always begin in the basics. My purpose of promoting this method is that you will not be having a hard time starting your formal language learning before enrolling to a formal education in language schools. So, at least you have a stock knowledge of the basics of German language before deciding to learn German abroad or in a language school right? So, let’s take a glimpse of these basics.
Hello – Hallo I’m sorry – Es tut mir leid.
Good morning – Guten Morgen Please – Bitte
Good evening – Guten Abend Thank you – Dankescön
Good night – Gute Nacht You’re welcome – Gern geschehen
Goodbye – Tschüss or auf Wiedersehen Do you speak English? – Sprichst du Englisch?
How are you? – Wie geht es dir? Can you help me? – Kannst du mir helfen?
I am good – Mir geht es gut. How much does it cost? – Wieviel kostet das?
What is your name? – Ich heißt du? Where is the restroom? – Wo ist die Toilette?
My name is… – Ich heißt… What time is it? – wie spat ist es?
Where are you from? – Woher Kommst du? Cheers! – Prost!
I am from… – Ich komme aus… Bless you – Gesundheit!
Excuse me – Entschuldigung I love you – Ich liebe dich.
These are just 24 German phrases! Not bad for a start, huh? So if you want to learn more of these words particular to its pronunciation, you can watch the video embed below or just search for it in the Internet! The skies’ the limit!
Enjoy your German language learning!