Destinations Magazine

Before Lunch

By Elizabethwix

Haven't done this blog for ages. Feel guilty. The world is not waiting for it exactly. Simply no ideas at all, so take the phone when I go out for the dog's pre-lunch walk.
Before Lunch
Wander down 21st Street and turn on the magic Hipstamatic, which turns dross to gold. Well, not exactly dross, but any old photo anyway. What interests me here are the nice crisp shadows in the long window with white blinds.
Before Lunch
Being barred out makes the idea of 'inside' that more enticing. No real sunlight in this courtyard though --or only a few beams at high noon. 
Before Lunch
Lots and lots of shadows and bars and a great deal of GREEN.
Before Lunch
More green when I look into La Grainne on the corner of 9th Avenue and 21st Street. Good crepes there but way too many people on a Sunday.
Before Lunch
Ah, the artistic shabby-chic where the posters were pulled down
Before Lunch
or remain semi-up
Before Lunch
The HaHaFresh (really!) convenience store is convenient, and has all the things you run out of as well as fruit and flowers --and they let the dog in which is a big plus.
Before Lunch
I think it is almost time to buy tulips. I refuse to buy any flowers out of season, which is very silly since all flowers are in season somewhere. But I would never want daffodils in August or chrysanthemums in May. Would you?
Before Lunch
Now pussy willow, on the other hand......

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