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Before and After Vegan Diet

Posted on the 29 November 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir


Here you have some examples of famous (and not that famous, but cute) people that lost weight on a Vegan or Raw Vegan diet.

Thomas from is a top trainer on the US. With a facebook page with more than 11K likes, is the producer of  Vegan Body Revolution ™, as he says in this website:

The guide to achieving your dream body, limitless health, and saving the planet on a 100% plant-based diet.

Anthony is in this list in order to ladies take a look. We do not know who he is, is not famous, but we found him on a Pinterest Board full of vegan before and after pictures. You may check that here. Lets just assume the information is right.

Ariana Grande is a very famous singer. Her taste in music may not please everyone, but we can all agree that she have a great body! She Switched to a Vegan Diet and admits that she saw dramatic transformation in her health condition with the elimination of junk, processed, and animal foods. For Ariana, the motivation to shift to a vegan diet focused on her health and happiness (good for her!)

Nadia, from Fat2FitonFRUIT youtube channel started with a famous diet from Freelee the Banana Girl. I don´t know much about her, but there is a video about her transformation on youtube with more than 5 million views. Check here:

The Vegan Diet

Proteins, calories, vitamins, and minerals are required in the correct amounts for growth and for good health. These elements can be found in any vegetarian diet, but it is necessary to understand how they fit together to plan a healthy diet. Avocados are a good source of protein, but they are high in fats. Dark green leafy vegetables are a more nutritious choice for salads. Romaine lettuce, for example, has eight times as much beta-carotene and six times as much vitamin C as iceberg lettuce. You can eat vegetables both raw and cooked. Some yield more nutrients when cooked. Carrots, for example, have 30% more beta-carotene after cooking. Vitamin C can be lost in cooking. However, only 15% may be lost when these vegetables are cooked in a microwave, while up to half may be lost in boiling.

Many people will choose vegetarian diets for personal, health, or religious reasons. On a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, only vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains are eaten. The lactovegetarian diet adds milk and milk products to the vegan diet, and the ovolactovegetarian diet adds eggs and milk products. People who avoid meat and vegetables in their diets are called fruitarians, eating only fresh or dried fruits and nuts, honey, and olive oil. Finally, partial or semivegetarians  (flexi-vegetarians) may eat some animal foods, but not red meats. It is recommended that people eat less fat and more fiber for a healthy diet, and vegetarian diets have less fat and more fiber than most regular diets.

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