Inspiration always strikes at odd, often random times. Although, I suppose that’s kind of the point.
Yesterday, John Kleinchester of announced winners of one of his most recent beer/photography contest. He hosts them often, usually partnering with a brewery or other business to promote the cross-section of beer lovers who also happen to love the still image, too.
Per usual, Friend of the Program Oliver, of Literature and Libation, had a winning entry. He’s kind of good at the whole beer photo thing.
All this is to say that I thought it might be a good time to do a follow-up post to my original beertography share. Below you’ll find some of my favorite shots I’ve taken in recent months, which you may also come across on my Instagram page, Twitter account or even Untappd.
As a New Year’s resolution, I’d like to start creating a monthly beertography post, which will certainly challenge me creatively. I hope you’ll help keep me to it.
All my shots are taken with my iPhone 5 and because I typically shoot right where I drink, my inventiveness is mostly kept to a minimum:
Stillwater Classique – Keep It Classy, Baltimore
Sixpoint Autumnation – Fall in a Can
North Coast Old Rasputin – Dark as Coal
The Bruery White Oak – Oak on Oak
Coors Light – College Campus/Saturday Morning
While this isn’t necessary of a beer, I just love this picture because it reminds me of home:
You can check out more pictures of beer (and more than beer) over at my Instagram page. My name is bryandroth if you want to look me up.
Got any photo tips or stories to share? Please post them below.
+Bryan Roth
“Don’t drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.” — Jack Kerouac