Drink Magazine

Beer Review – Otter Creek Octoberfest Autumn Ale

By Boozedancing @boozedancing
Beer Review – Otter Creek Octoberfest Autumn Ale

Photo courtesy of http://thesumofallbeers.blogspot.com/

I fished out the last of the Oktoberfests that I had accumulated in the run-up to HalloweinerFest. The last bottle was an Otter Creek Oktoberfest Autumn Ale. The ROK and the Wookie had reviewed the Otter Creek Summer Solstice.

Here is what Otter Creek has to say about their Oktoberfest Autumn Ale:

Oktoberfest Autumn Ale is our version of the perennial favorite Bavarian Autumn beer. Oktoberfest’s deep golden hue matches the fall foliage here in Vermont. Brewed with Hellertauer and Tettnang hops to balance its clean, malty sweetness, it’s the perfect brew for a crisp autumn day.

I found the Oktoberfest Autumn Ale to have the following characteristics…

  • Appearance: Amber with a quickly dissipating foam.
  • Aroma: Malt and a little hoppy.
  • Taste: A little spicy but a little thin.
  • ABV: 4.8%

This was a very drinkable beer. Not as flavorful as some Oktoberfests that I’ve had,  but a decent beer.


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