Drink Magazine

Beer Review – Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Lager

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Beer Review – Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Lager

When someone mentions Eliot Ness to me, the first things that come to mind are Chicago, Al Capone, Prohibition, and of course, Brian DePalma’s 1987 film, The Untouchables. What I didn’t know was that in December of 1935, Eliot Ness was appointed Safety Director of Cleveland, Ohio. So what does this have to do with beer? Apparently, Eliot Ness’s stenographer, a woman named Margaret Conway, is the mother of Great Lakes Brewing Company co-owners Patrick and Daniel Conway.

The Eliot Ness Amber Lager (technically a Vienna Lager) has won a total of 11 medals at the World Beer Championships between 1995 and 2010 (3 Silver and 8 Gold).

Let’s find out if this beer lives up to its reputation…

  • Appearance: Clear red/orange color that reminds me of a perfect summer sunset. Thick one inch head that dissipates slowly and settles down to a quarter inch. Very little lacing. Lots of small, clear, fast rising bubbles.
  • Aroma: Tangerine and lemon. Honey. Brown sugar. Faint hop aroma.
  • Taste: Medium carbonation. Smooth and creamy mouthfeel. Sweet malt at the onset. Mild bitterness kicks in at mid-palate. Crisp, clean, citrus finish.
  • ABV: 6.2%

Great Lakes really needs to start canning this beer. Besides being a great tasting, easy drinking, well balanced, and session worthy beer, the Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Ale has excellent thirst quenching capabilities! Can you say Ultimate Summer Beer? It will also pair well with a wide variety of food, i.e. burgers, BBQ, grilled or fried fish, as well as most Pub fare. I highly recommend this beer!

And speaking of The Untouchables, here is one of my favorite clips for your viewing pleasure…

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